"What do you mean?"

She sniffled and then looked over at her head at the shadow looming over her and she didn't bother screaming when he gripped onto the back of her, holding her so that her feet were dangling once again. 

"Let me go!" She screamed and bit onto his wrist to which he frowned at her holding her higher and before she could protest he slammed her onto the ground, gasping from the pain caused when her back collided, taking the air out of her body. 

He then crouched down to her, putting his palms over her mouth as she screamed and slowly raising her head he pushed her back down again. Her neck jerked up and she felt warm blood trickle down her back. 

He cupped her hair and pulled her up again higher the other time as he prepared to slam her again,"You listen to me you—" But then he stopped, going still and Amber who was confused then looked to where he was looking down at. Four arrows stuck out of his hands and at the same time very familiar neighs could be heard.