Dream [Part 2]

The man didn't respond, causing an awkward silence to float around them, "Just help her."

"Of course." She nodded and hovered her hand over the girl's body. Blood stained the white shirt she had and the woman could see the printed wound from through the fabric. She lifted her shirt and gasped, "It's infected. How long has she been like this?" She asked him with regard to the fact of the question she asked earlier as well. 'How was this girl breathing.' 

The hole in her stomach should most likely be able to kill her, "This is going to be painful. You should hold onto her."

The cloaked man positioned himself so that her head rested on his thigh and the girl groaned when she felt the warm cloth touch her wound. She arched her back and screamed, her screams reverberating off the room's closed in walls.