Start of the new [Part 2]

"This may feel like an ending but it is just the start of the new."

She said and they opened the doors watching as Akara and his men gathered outside the gates.

Amber's eyes fell on him almost immediately though he was slightly hidden due to being at the back of his men. He ordered him from behind a sly smirk on his face.

"There's so much of them, and too little of us." The remaining guards behind them started to differ from what was planned. Connor's eyebrows were arched and his stance showed that he was ready for battle but Amber told what was going on in the insides of everyone's heads, 'We're outnumbered.'

"How much do you think there is?" Arsan asked Liam who shrugged.

"If I were to try it would take way too much time. There's about two hundred of them."

"And how many of us." 

He looked around and shook his head, "Definitely not enough."

Amber guessed that there was just barely a hundred on their side. Greatly outnumbered.