
I choked, like I straight up couldn't breathe. I harshly grasp hold of Olivia's shirt and her eyes widened.

"I-I can't...breathe!" I pointed to my throat to which she nodded and handed me the expresso.

I squeezed the glass in my hand and being the desperate, foolish person that I am I chugged the extremely hot expresso burning my lip in the process.

"God dammit!" I shriek.

"I'm sorry, I forgot it was still hot" she apologized,"The expresso is on me so no need to pay."

"Thanks" I tried to smile but my throbbing lip said other wise.

Olivia then left and I was stuck alone with a glass of expresso and a mind full with questions like why they were still staring at me? And what do they want? I was now fighting with myself trying to decide whether I should go up to them and ask what they want or should I scream like a maniac.