Water Attack

The entirety of the car was flooded with water. Should they linger a few seconds longer, they were going to drown. Tristan was the only one who didn't brim his lungs with breath; he acted as if he could breathe underwater.

He furrowed his brows. He quickly spread his arms out as wide as possible. Accordingly, all the water near them had parted; going left and right. The car was empty of all liquid.

Jin, his mask on his face, finally caught a breath. His mask disappeared as he gagged, and then quickly spat water out of his mouth. Then, he placed his hand upon his chest and started panting.

Ashton and Dobby also caught their breaths.

Jin heaved. "What was that?"

Tristan opened his car door. "Trouble … trouble I can resolve." His tone was serious. He stepped out of the car, and started glaring at the figure in the distance.