Three Days of Happiness (Part 3)

The bikers all bolted toward Jin, Ashton, and Benji—who all stood there, unmoving. Suddenly, Benji rushed toward the lunging bikers, and pounced into the air. It gaped its mouth, and slammed its draw shut, shredding a rider's body asunder. The bike had then zoomed off course.

Benji was not done there. He landed on his four legs, subtly skating in the wet road. Another bike was coming straight for it. However, it quickly disappeared, leaving the biker confused. The biker looked back, given that he had just drove past the very spot the creature stood. Then, he looked forward again, focusing his attention on Jin and Ashton instead, since, they were now the easiest to hit. "I've got you now!"

Jin dashed forward. The bike missed his body—off by a few inches. He simply raised his hand over the bike, and his arm wrapped around the rider's neck. Out of control, the bike pitched toward Ashton. Jin looked back in shock. He had forgotten about Ashton.