Three Days of Happiness (Part 5)

Jin and Ashton were incarcerated behind thick, metal bars of absolute solitary. They had futuristic handcuffs cuffed to their wrists; restraining them from full body freedom.

The prison cell was egregious. The single toilet in there was leaking; causing sewage water to douse the dirty, stone tiles. The one light in the ceiling had lost power. There were drawings—blood used as ink—left by previous meta prisoners on the concrete walls.

Ashton was shaken by the presentation of the prison cell. He curled up in a corner; shivering in the cold. He had not thought about the consequences of smashes those heads. And now, he was paying for it.

Jin sat down on the bottom part of the double-decker bed. He was waiting. Waiting patiently for Officer Alessandro, who had promised to let them free.

Ashton looked down at his wrists. "Why are these handcuffs necessary? Aren't we already in our cells?"