Killed One Hundred Times (Part 4)


It would appear that, miraculously, one could have temporarily regained his ability despite having it supressed. The suppression hex did not work well on these trifling few. 

Lark had sauntered home that cold, sorrowful night, given that he could not afford a vehicle. He had grown hate for the woman he had only just loved. Why had Cassey chosen to do this to him of all men? His life on its own was already so tragic ... why add to the tragedy? Such questions ran their courses through Lark's busy mind, unrelentingly. 

He wanted to hit something. To break something. Perhaps only then his festering rage would be quelled. Lark was a forgiving man in the past. He would be mortally enraged by someone one day, and then speak to them as if it hadn't happened the next.