An Official Team?

It was unfortunate that the new world wasn't what I thought it'd be. It was chaotic, not as chaotic as the world outside of this new world, but chaotic enough to make me paranoid. Fairly enough, I was always paranoid. But this was on a whole other level. There were small buildings, and roads, and large groups of people. And unfortunately, large groups of people usually made me nervous. Much worse if the large group was comprised mainly of ability users. And that, it did. 

The environment was a bit monotonous and quiet. A tad too quiet, provided that the groups were so large. I was falling behind, so I fell in beside Hanso and Miguel on their saunter. I glanced at Miguel. He seemed be focusing on something. I looked ahead, only to see a group of suspicious people, whispering and blabbering.

"What are we looking at?" I asked. 

"Those guys over there," he replied, "They're up to something. Planning something."

What could that have possibly been?