Getting dark

Strange creatures hovered above our shoulders like embodied consciences. There were no good intentions to these consciences. They were solely bad. Trouble. Trouble to which naivety gave birth. My naivety. 

Hanso walked back over to us, with a sheepish look on his face, much ressembling a blush. But he wasn't blushing. Far from It. He was enraged by what he had just grown witness to. His assigned creature pursued his path, and only stopped when he had. He folded his arms and pouted. "I didn't trust that guy from the beginning. I sensed what he was under that mask of pretentious altruism." 

Looking down at the ground, I qailed, clenching my fists again. "I'm sorry, guys. I was suspicious too but," I shook my head, "I'm a fool. I disregarded my suspicions. It's just that I knew you were in danger, Miguel. So I tried my best to forget about everything else, and focus on aiding you. I'm really, really—"