Day Two in the New World

I woke up, turning to my side. There was a pain in the ribs of said side. So I turned to my other side. The pain was there too. I slowly raised upright, only my feet and my behind touching the floor. My eyes were kept closed. I had a penchant for sleeping on the sides as opposed to the back. But I couldn't get any of that last night. The floor was also really flat and hard on my back. I cursed.

I opened my eyes only to see Hanso, Xavier, and hundreds more familiar corpses lingering on the floor in a striking slew of atrocities. Blood, a lot of blood. And juxtaposed, stood a figure with green, glowing eyes; wearing a perpetual smirk amidst all of this

I quickly squeezed my eyes shut, and tried to slow my breath. I slowly exhaled and opened my eyes again. I was just staring at the opposite wall of the alley. I sighed in relief. Another factor that contributed to my insomnia was the endless reign of nightmares.