
I watched myself slaughter Xavier, who did nothing but beg me for his life. I couldn't have been more confused. My head was throbbing like another heart. Though, I didn't like hearts. They were beyond annoying. Gross and repetitive. Like this headache, perpetuated by the atrocious images of blood and brains and death flashing through my mind. 

I snapped back into the world, the scenery slowly disintegrating. I was sitting on the bench again, looking at Xavier. I felt like myself again. But I felt like there were more than one me. 

Xavier looked at me, confused. But I couldn't look him back in the eyes. Not that I didn't want to; he wasn't an ugly guy. It was just that I kept ... I kept seeing his corpse. 

He leaned in, inching closer to me. "What's the matter? Are you okay? "Did I say something ... wrong?" He was definetly concerned; but so was I.