
I was paralyzed—supine; staring at the stars of the night sky—horrorstruck after witnessing the death of Hanso, despite this scene being played all in my head. Miguel fell into sight as Hanso left. But for some reason, in an instant, I saw him as Jin—Jin holding a strange cracking object in his hands, wearing a smirk on his face, his eyes glowing green. Miguel had then given me a helping hand, snapping me out of the world in which I saw nothing but death and unfathomable anomalies. 

I fumbled. But eventually, I took hold of Miguel's hand, missing at first due to the darkness but then ultimately making a trembling yet strong clutch at it. Miguel wasted no time. I was pulled up to my feet again. Ensuingly, the pain from Hanso's thundered strikes to my core perpetuated. To which, I could only wince.

"Are you okay, Ash?" asked Miguel, apparently concerned. 




