The Tests [Part 4]

Kai was paralyzed. No limb could be moved, it was as if his body froze. And that it did. His fair skin started to become green. His golden eyes looked infectious. Green veins ran up his neck. What was this? Was this Jin's power? Kai trembled as he stood there. Was this poison?

Jin quickly sprinted toward Kai. Midway there, he jumped into the air and dashed. Then, he dashed twice again, going higher into the air. Smirking, he, hair blowing wildly behind him, raised his dagger as he began to crash down on Kai, who still stood stagnantly. 

Kai moved his pupils up. Jin's figure was coming straight for him. He would die at this point. He groaned, trying his best to move. He needed his hands to use his Ability, but he didn't even have those. 

Jin was near. Bloodlust was in his green eyes. Cliff appeared, falling right next to Jin. His clothes rippled in the powerful gusts of wind.