Biggest Fan?

[Task Completed!]

[+15 Exp, 5 UP]

[Strength: 65]

[Health: 72]

[Speed: 48]

[Skill: 61]

[UP: 8]

[Exp: 63/85 | Level 12]

Jin stretched, and then perched at the edge of the wall on which he remained. The wall was a bit wet from last night's rain. Jin couldn't care less about such a trivial thing. He didn't even care about the way he looked anymore. 

Cliff appeared next to Jin. 

He looked look at the village as well. "I see you're making some progress. Keep it up."

"Of course," Jin said, "it's the least you'll see from me. I'm in it to win it."

"It's clear that your arrogance is increasing," Cliff said, "day by day. Soon you'll be just like him."

Jin smirked. "Just like who?"

"Him," Cliff said.

"Any word on disciple number two?" Jin asked, glancing at Cliff.