Hunter’s Meeting

The Wizard had paid Jin another visit the next day. Today, he had found Jin atop the wall, looking down at the village below him, perching on the edge quiescently. 

[Strength: 85]

[Health: 110]

[Speed: 68]

[Skill: 81]

[UP: 0]

[Exp: 46/100| Level 14]

The Wizard hovered in front of Jin in the air. 

He folded his arms. "You're late for the Hunter's meeting. Six minutes late. We've been waiting patiently for you, until wait we can no longer. What have you been doing up here?"

Jin looked at the Wizard in the eyes. "I'm just relaxing ... enjoying the view of the world below. It's becoming something like a part of my mundane to be frank."

The Wizard narrowed his eyes at Jin. "You're missing the meeting, Jin!" He snapped but his incredulous tone had a note of discretion. He didn't want to get on Jin's nerves.