Deal With It

Jin and his apprentice had been spending a lot of quality together. Oh and ... a few clones were in the picture as well. They were fast approaching the tournament—they had over a day alone to etch skills and prowess behind Stevan's youthful head.

Stevan was against twenty-three clones. But the number was well at one hundred a few hours ago. This validated the fact that Stevan was making clear progress. Eliminating these clones, however, required arduous effort through and through. Their eliminations did not come easy, but the scars and battered clothes Stevan now found himself wearing did. 

All the clones lunged toward Stevan. He quickly leaped into the air and jumped over them all. Before he could land, a clone appeared in front of him. The clone punched. He landed, blocking the punch. 

Stevan furrowed his brows. "Wait! I wanna talk to Jin."

The clone halted, lowering its hands to its sides. "Huh? But I'm right here ...."