Important Informationen for and about my Story.

Basic information about important characters:

Cinis: Main-character


Cinis, Princess of the Veil

Rule in the Oblivion over the plain 'Adusta Mundi', the scorched world.

Cinis is the embodiment of fire and ashes and has a similar role in 'Aetherius' as 'Charon' in Greek mythology. In an entertaining way, Cinis doesn't have to do anything, since just her existence regulates everything.

Cinis has a curious personality, little patience for idiots, and far too much power. Due to the fact that Cinis has only limited control of her own power, she has to use an 'all or nothing' approach.

She dreams of adventure and romance, but is at the same time anti-social and downright misanthropic, but would go through fire for her friends.


Personal philosophy;

'Life is empty. When you take a life you are not taking anything of value. The value of a life is measured by how much someone is willing to pay for it. Be it to protect life or to extinguish it. '

{AN: Durzo Blint, blood boy (magical assassin). The Shadow Trilogy, book. Slightly changed by the author.}


Additional information:

Both the Daedric princes and the divines belong to the race of Et'Ada, the 'primordial spirits' who created 'Mundus', i.e. the universe. At least in their mythology. Above them are only the embodiment of 'Aurbis' (dream of existence), Anu (the all creator) and Padomay (the darkness).

There is also a third faction of the Et'Ada, namely the Magne'Ge, who ran away during the creation of Mundus, tearing holes in reality that then became the stars. The largest hole in the sky has been torn by 'Magna' (primal spirit of magic) and is the sun.


The Daedra Princes, or the Gods of Chaos:


Azura, Princess of the Dawn

In the Oblivion, he rules over the plane of 'the moon's shadow'.

One of the few Daedric Princes who are not considered malevolent through and through. Azura's artifact is her 'Star', a powerful soul stone.


Boethiah, Princess of Secrets and Betrayal

Dominates in the Oblivion over the level 'the attribution share'.

The princess enjoys the discord between mortals and her artifacts are the 'Ebony Armor', 'Goldbrand' and the 'Dread Cruiser'.


Clavicus Vile, Prince of Wishes and Tricks

Rule in the Oblivion over the plane of 'the fields of regret'.

The prince is happy to offer mortals a trade because they always repent later. His loyal companion, the wolfhound 'Barbas', can always be seen at the prince's side. Clavicus Vile's artifacts are the 'Ax of repentance' and its 'Mask'.


Hermaeus Mora, Prince of Secrets and Knowledge

In the Oblivion, rules over the level 'the Apocrypha', an endless library.

The prince's negotiations with mortals mostly serve to expand his knowledge. Mortals who work for Hermaeus Mora will sooner or later be driven mad by unlimited knowledge and the secrets of the world. Hermaeus Mora artifacts are the 'Oghma Infinium' and the 'Black Books'.


Hircine, Prince of the Hunt

Rule in the Oblivion over the plain 'the hunting grounds'.

His plain is one huge forest full of monsters. Hircine is also known as the father of the werewolves because he created them. Hircine's artifacts are 'the Hunter's Spear', his 'Ring of the moon' and the 'skin of the savior'.


Malacath, Prince of the Marginalized and the Curses

In the Oblivion, rules over the level of 'the Ash pit'.

Malacath is primarily worshiped by the orcs and his artifacts are 'Volendrung' (a war hammer) and the 'Hostage' (a mace).


Mehrunes Dagon, Lord of Destruction

Rule in the Oblivion over the plane of 'the Lands of the Dead'.

He is considered to be the most dangerous of the princes, as he continuously tried to gain access to 'Nirn'. To prevent this, Akatosh (God of Time) has woven a barrier around 'Mundus' so that no Daedric prince can access it. His artifact is his 'Blade' (dagger that can kill any mortal) and the 'Mysterium Xarxes' (a book with which Mehrunes Dagon gives his cult instructions).


Mephala, Princess of Secrets, Lies, Sex and Conspiracies

Rule in the Oblivion over the level 'the Sprialstrang'. A huge cave system made of cobwebs. Some scholars consider the 'mother of the night' to be one of her incarnations. Mephala's artifacts are the 'Ebony Blade' (a black nodachi) and the 'Ring of the Khajiit'.


Meridia, Princess of Life and Infinite Energy

In the Oblivion, dominates the level of 'the colored spaces', which are said to be of great beauty. She is considered the friendliest Daedric prince and the enemy of all undead. Meridia's artifact is the 'Dawnbreaker' (a sword forged from sunlight).


Molag Bal, Prince of Domination and Enslavement

Rule the 'Coldhaven' Plains in the Oblivion, a dark and cruel version of the mortal world. This prince created the first vampires in a cruel ritual and his artifact is his 'Mace'.


Namira, Princess of Darkness and Shadow

Rule in the Oblivion over the level 'the immersion void'.

The princess is the patroness of all cannibals and is often associated with insects. Namira's artifact is her 'Ring'.


Nocturnal, Princess of Night and Fortune

Rule in the Oblivion over the plane 'the Eternal Twilight'.

The princess is considered the patroness of thieves and is worshiped by the 'Nightingales'. Nocturnal artifacts are the 'Skeleton Key' (can open any lock) and the 'Robe of the Night'.


Peryite, Prince of Diseases

In the Oblivion, rules over the 'Peryite's Pit' level.

Although Peryite is depicted as a dragon, he is considered the weakest of the princes and his artifact is the 'Spell Breaker' (a shield that reflects magic).


Sanguine, Prince of Debauchery

In the Oblivion, rules over the 'Misty Grove' Plain.

The prince loves celebrations and his activities with mortals usually end in a very funny chaos for him. But caution is advised when interacting with Sanguine, because there is nothing that is not considered amusing that he has not already done. The prince does rape, torture and other unspeakable things in the same breath as drinking a glass of wine or reading a book. Sanguine's artifact is his 'Rose' (a magic wand).


Sheogorath, Prince of Madness

Rule in the Oblivion over the plain 'the Trembling Isles' which are devastated every 1000 years by Jyggalag (Prince of Order). Originally Sheogorath was Jyggalag but he was too dangerous for the other princes and even the divines and was sealed by them. So they accidentally created the lord of madness, Sheogorath. Sheogorath is obsessed with cheese and, as his title suggests, absolutely insane. The prince's artifacts are his staff 'Wabbarjack', the 'Fork of goosebumps', the 'Spear of bitter mercy' and the 'Staff of the Immer-Skampe'.


Vaermina, Princess of Nightmares and psychological Terror

Rule in the Oblivion over the level of 'the Modderfenn'.

The princess is usually viewed as thoroughly malevolent, since her influence in the mortal world usually only brings evil with it. What many ignore, however, is that, as the Princess of Nightmares, she can also manipulate normal dreams and surprisingly often she tries to warn mortals about catastrophes. The mortals then mostly believe that the 9 divines sent them these dreams. Vaermina's artifact is the 'Skull of Corruption', a powerful Wand.


The 9 divines, or the Gods of Order:


Akatosh, Chief God of the 9th

Dragon god of time. Father of all dragons.

Akatosh is the continuity aspect of Aka-Tusk and is kind to mortals, a quality he shares only with Alkosh. While people worship him as Akatosh, the elves do so under the names Auri-El and the Khajiit as Alkosh.


Arkay, God of Life and Death

Arkay is the god of the cycle of birth and death and the protection of the deceased, which is why he despises necromancers and incites his followers on them at the smallest suspicion. Arkay is also associated with the seasons.


Julianos, God of Wisdom and Logic

He is often associated with Jhunal, the Nordic father of language and mathematics. In Cyrodiil, Julianos is also the god of literature, law, history and contradiction. An order was established in his name in which the 'Scrolls of the Elders' are studied and guarded. This order is called the 'Order of the Ancestral Moth'.


Dibella, Goddess of Beauty and Love

In 'Mundus', Dibella has dozens of cults that worship her. Some are dedicated to women, some to the arts and aesthetics, and others to the lovearts.


Stendarr, God of Justice and Curses

The only god in the entire series of games without a proper description.


Talos, God of War

Talos is both a born again and an ascended god made up of a tripartite structure. Ysmir Wulfharth was the Great King of the North in his first life, the Ashes King of Morrowind in his second life and a monk with the title 'the gray wind' in his third life. In his three lives, Ysmir fights various legendary monsters and aspects of fallen gods and thus earned his rise as a hero god.


Zenithar, god of Wealth, Work and Trade

His priests preach that with honest and hard work one can find satisfaction in life. Zenithar is also called Z'en.


Mara, goddess of Love and Compassion

Mara is the only universal deity 'Nirns' who is worshiped by all peoples under the same name. Traditionally, marriage takes place in the temples of Mara and should that not be possible, due to an accident or the like, Mara's priests and priestesses will gladly take dangerous journeys themselves to help the lovers, even if the two do not know that they are connected . The motto in their temples is 'love love, even in death'. Adulterers should fear her wrath as she demands allegiance until death or until divorce.


Kynareth or Kyne, Goddess of Wind, Sky and Rain

Kynareth is worshiped as the patron goddess of travelers, seafarers, hunters and farmers. Parents pray to Kynareth in the hope that their children will be born under an auspicious star and be healthy.


There are other gods but they are not important for my story. You can easily read it in the creation story of 'The Elder Scroll'.


Races of Nirn sorted by:


Playable in the games;

Nord, the Vikings

The rugged people of Skyrim came from 'Atmora' a long time ago. Due to the fact that their land is covered with snow and ice all year round, they are almost immune to cold and have developed a certain resistance to ice magic.


Imperial, the Romans

The people of Cyrodiil with great trading skills. A learned race known for their disciplines and the training of their civic army.


Dunmer, the Dark-Elves

The gifted people of Morrowind, originally 'Chimer' who followed the 'Tribunal' and were cursed by 'Azura'. Fate was never particularly good with this people, but against all odds, they managed to hold out.


Bosmer, the Wood-Elves

The skilled people of Valenwood. Because of the 'green pact' they only eat meat and kill anyone who harms plants, whether on purpose or not. They are experienced hunters and protect the forest with their lives.


Altmer, the High-Elves

The magical race of Summerset. Came to Tamriel from 'Aldmeris' a long time ago. They see themselves as the purest race of elves, closest to the look and culture of the 'Aldmer'.


Bretons, the Half-Elves

The clever people from Hammerfell. A 'cross' between people and Altmer. They were ruled by the Altmer in the past, but no longer today. Some elven blood still flows in their blood, which is why they are very magical and intelligent, although not as long-lived.


Orsimer, the blacksmith People

The strong orcs from Orsinium. Actually, the elves who followed 'Trinimac'. They are often referred to as barbarians even though they have an ancient culture. They are considered to be the finest blacksmiths in 'Tamriel'.


Argonians, the Lizard-Race

The reptilian people from Black Marsh. Worship the 'Hist', a network of intelligent trees. Little is known about them.


Khajiit, the Cat-Race

The feline people of Elsweyr. Worship the two moons under the names 'Jone' and 'Jode'. Very spiritual people with different schools and monasteries for martial arts.


Redguards, the desert People

The people from Hammerfels who are gifted in swordsmanship. Redguards don't have much to do with magic but have a history as an armorer.


Not playable in games;


Dwemer, the Deep-Elves or Dwarves

A vanished, wise and mysterious race of elves who settled in Morrowind above all but who have built structures across the continent.


Skaal, the Ice-Tribe

A small tribe of the Nords, who have their own God, the All-Creator, and live on Solstheim.


Daedra, the immortal Demons

The race from the realm of Oblivion. Daedra is also an umbrella term for the life forms in the realm of Oblivion, such as lower or higher Daedra.


Reikmannen, the Natives of Skyrim

The people themselves are divided into peacefully naturalized people and the sworn off, who are trying to recapture their homeland, Reach, to worship their old gods and to cause a bloodbath among the immigrants.


Maormer, the Tropical-Elves or Sea-Elves

The elves from Pyandonea. Ther leader is an 'immortal' mage and with the help of her magic she can rule the sea and the creatures living in it.


Falmer, the remains of the Snow-Elves

In due course, more creatures than any of the races, enslaved by the Dwemers to their disappearance.


Snow-Elves, the Betrayed

The snow elves are the earlier form of the Falmer (or their actual form) and almost extinct. There is said to be a small, hidden community of Snow Elves who have not been enslaved by the Dwemer betrayal. Once a huge civilization and the Aboriginal people of Skyrim.


Chimer, the Accursed

An extinct nomadic people that once populated Cyrodiil and the original form of the 'Dunmer' before they were cursed by the 'Azura' and then transformed.


Ayleids, the Tyrants

An extinct race who ruled most of Tamriel and enslaved and oppressed the other races. The Human Empire was built on the ruins of the Ayleids.


There are a few other races but they are not really important or relevant to the game and there is little information about them.


Note on possible development of the story:

Beginning World; The Elder Scroll

There will certainly be what is known as 'world jumping'. I have chosen universes in which I am familiar or which are flexible enough in terms of the story.

The Witcher

Mass Effect





Harry Potter

One piece

Fairy Tail

My Hero Academia

And others are a possibility. In each of them, Cinis (the main character, name always stays the same) will have a new body and certain limitations and will fit into the story. At least if I like the story, otherwise the whole universe will be turned upside down.


{AN: Cinis will always be essentially a Daedric Prince. The new body is actually just a shell that she has taken possession of.}


Info about the author:


I first write in my home language, German, and then check the chapter several times. Only then do I translate into English with the help of Google, line by line, and that takes time.

For you readers this means that I am only updating slowly, but the average chapter is also over 2k words long.

I am writing from the perspective of a female Daedra who grow up as a man. Man and Woman see the world slightly differently due to the way they are raised as children. The change of sex explains why she react differently to certain actions than a 'normal' girl.

I hope that you mainly write helpful criticism and that you don't act like trolls. Thanks for reading and have fun.