Chapter 24: New System

I keep staring at the new system screen with my mouth hanging open, hoping it turns out to be an illusion or a bad dream. But unfortunately, I'm not that lucky. 


I shout so badly that it wakes everyone up. Well, everyone except Nina. 

"W-What happened?" Piper asks, looking alarmed. 

This…this fucking system! I am so mad right now I don't even know what to do!

All I can think of is that I want to be alone. I need to get out of here before I start breaking all the expensive stuff here.

Damn it all! 

"Hey!" "Aahh!"

I jump up from the bed, so quickly that Alexa and Nina get thrown back. Then, for a frantic moment, I search the room for my clothes before remembering that I had taken them all off outside. 

"Ah, fuck me!" Voicing my deep frustration, I power-walk outside the room. 

In any other scenario, I would've been the last person to leave a room full of hot naked babes, but my anger has exceeded all limits! I can barely even care for such things! 

It may sound weird, but I don't particularly feel scared of the new Poison. It's just that the unfairness of it is so jarring that I am seething.

Dashing out of the room, I reach the small wardrobe where I had put my clothes. As I open it, a faint green light flashes, and I find my clothes inside all cleaned up and neatly folded.

The wardrobe is clearly magical, but I am not even in the mood to appreciate this high-class service. Putting on my pants and shirt, I quickly move down to the reception area. 

"I hope you had a wonderful time, sir!" 

The voluptuous receptionist bows to me in farewell, but I walk past her without saying anything. Rude as it is, I am not in the mood to speak to anyone— even if it is someone as pretty as her.

The moment I step out of the brothel, I get blasted by the loud jeers and shouts and laughs. The sky is already dark, and the red-light district is bustling with people. Men who are drunk, curious, or curiously drunk are roaming the streets while scantily dressed prostitutes are trying to lure them into their bars and parlors by flaunting their assets (natural and artificial). 

"You won't find a tighter cunt than mine anywhere in the district, handsome! For only 50 Yeux it can be yours for the whole night!"

An unbelievably obese and toad-like whore calls me while nastily tapping her crotch. 

Ignoring her, I move on. 

"Anyone wants to join me?" A bald guy shouts to the crowd while pointing at a bored-looking prostitute next to him. "I am 25 short of 100 Yeux! Let's pool the money! I will let you take her pussy while I fuck the ass!"

Almost everyone stops to look at him in disgust. Taking the opportunity, I maneuver through the crowd and finally leave the red-light district. I don't stop though, continuing to run until I find myself in a dimly lit and empty park. 

The perfect place for me right now… 

"FUUUUUCKK!!!!" I scream at the top of my lungs. 

I grab the SIS out of my pocket and hold it up. A second later, black miasma bursts out, forming my system description in mid-air. 

Why me…? 

Never! Never in my life have I heard of a system having three fucking poisons! And the third one is just as absurd as the other two!

I don't even know what these missions are, or how will I get them. On top of it, if I fail to complete one, it will penalize me 1,000 points!

Why doesn't this shit system just kill me already and be done with it!?

To be honest, if I forget about the new Poison for a second, the rest of the Level 2 system is perfect! This is what makes me even more mad!

Look at this mind-reading skill that I can buy! If used correctly, it can prove to be a lifesaver! I can already imagine the things I can do with it… 

The passive skills are great, too, even though the price has increased a bit. And last but probably the most amazing thing is that I can learn magic now! 

Like, for real? Magic!?

I only used to dream about using it! But now, I can learn it whenever I want! 

But… all these awesome things are ruined by this shitty poison. 

I glare at the SIS clucked in my hand. 

"This… This broken fucking thing!"

Using full power, I throw the SIS as far away as I can. But the instant it disappears from my sight, a small bulge appears in my pocket. 

 I cannot even throw this damn thing away!

A nearby trashcan becomes my second outlet of anger. I kick it hard enough to bend it from the middle and make it fall over.

{Ara… This much anger is not good for you, master.}

Oh, so now you are speaking again, you asshole system! 

Seriously, are you going to tell me what this fuckery is!?

{I deeply apologize for the inconvenience, master. I admit this is my doing.}  

Your doing!? Obviously, this is your doing! You are the system! Are you trying to fuck with me? 

{I wouldn't dare, master. I did this for you. To make you live longer… to make you more powerful.}  

To make me live longer? 

Wait, wait, wait… First of all, speak normally. You're creeping me out. 

{This is how I normally speak, master. I am simply showing you the respect you deserve.}  

Did you get sick? Can systems even get sick? And no, you don't speak like this. The fact that you haven't insulted my penis yet and didn't even mention banging hot women… there's definitely something wrong with you!

{I will never speak to you so rudely or mention such obscene things, master! I think you are talking about the other one. We are not the same.}  

Other one? 

{Yes, the one that was here before me.}  

Okay, this is going a little over my head. So, you're saying there are two of you? Like, two systems with different personalities? 

{I cannot say too much on this subject, master. I am sorry. But please listen to me. I can only afford to stay for an hour right now. After that, the other one will return. I still don't have enough power to… anyway, before that happens, I need to tell you something.}

Go on…

{As I told you before, the peculiar things you noticed in the system— that is, the mission section and the new poison— are added by me.}

And why the fuck would you do that? 

{Master, please don't misunderstand! They are nothing but tools for you to get stronger! Tools to help you earn more points! Through the mission section, you will be tasked to perform a single or a set of commands. Once they're completed, you will get a reward much greater than any of your level-specific or permanent methods… except a few.}

Having sex with a virgin… 

{Exactly, master.} 

But then, if you only want to help me, why did you add the poison!?

{I did not add it with malicious intent, master! When a big and significant change like the mission section is forced onto the system, certain backlash is to be expected. It's all about balance! And in this case, the new Poison is this balancing force!}

That is… Well…


If I can get lots of points through it, then I guess it's fine… 

{Good thinking, master! You are extremely intelligent!}  

You think so? Well, I do try to carefully think things over. 

{It shows, master… It shows.}  

By the way, I can understand the need to make me live longer, but why do you want to make me stronger?

I mean, it's fine if I want to do it, but what will you get out of it? It's really weird for a system to have that goal… 

{Oh, I would love to answer that, master, but I think the other one is coming back. It's time for me to go. And please, don't mention me to the other one. Believe me, it won't do us any good. Well then, I will see you soon…}

{…when you get your first mission.} 


Author's Note:

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