I'm done. I've killed enough goblins. Now I should get my reward, right?
I walked back to where the man was still standing.
"Have you defeated the goblins?" He asked. I nodded. He took out a leather pouch out of nowhere and gave it to me. The pouch jingled with coins, so I accepted it. I turned around to make my way back to my dungeon, when a bigger goblin with red skin leaped from the shadows.
"Dek eke dkce dkoko." The beast shouted. It lunged towards me. For a second, I took it all in, and then I went to work. I twirled around it, striking it when it was distracted or it attempted to attack.
My sword wasn't freezing it, and whenever it touched it's body, steam would just emmit from the sword. I lifted my sword and struck the pointed part before his collarbone, which was a pressure point.
It didn't make a mark, but his hand was now paralyzed. The goblin was angry now. It moved with new purpose. It launched at me with surprising speed that knocked me onto my back. Before I could take out my blade, the goblin kicked me into a wall.
Faster than a diving perigrine falcon, an arrow pierced the goblins head, causing it to fall. The arrow kept moving though the resistance slowed it down not one bit- and finally landed in a barrel.
Remind me to get a unique weapon, swords are boring.
"Don't thank me." The fimiliar voice said. I looked behind me to see the party coming back again. The elementalist had multiple books strapped around him all the time, but I spotted the diary.
I decided not to say anything, as it wasn't my business. But I needed that diary.
"Money?" The Knight asked the man watching the whole ordeal.
"Sorry, she finished the goblins first."
The party looked at me with eyes of murder. I sprinted away. If I was to survive, I must get to my dungeon. I was an idiot not to take my Drood with me. An arrow parted my hair, so close I saw the feathers that lined the firm arrowhead.
It blazed past me, but that wasn't it. The ground under me rumbled, as spikes erupted from the ground, nearly piercing me in half. I felt tingling on my right arm and looked to see it was fire. Immediately I used my ice to erupt from my own skin and cool down the fire.
I risked a glance back.
I saw The Knight, Brandishing an wealthy looking sword. I saw the tank, mad with rage. I saw the Archer drawing back arrows that glowed. I saw the elementalist, wielding all sort of elements. I spotted seven around him, and more active.
We wove through the trees and darted through mud. Finally reaching my dungeon, I leaped inside my dungeon core room and slipped onto my bed. The sounds of my dungeon defending didn't last long, though.
The elementalist walked into my room. I took out my blade to attack, but he simply blew on his open palm.
I felt the blood rush from my head. The air escaped from my lungs, and my heart stopped beating. I couldn't move. I had a few moments of conciseness, but I was a dead girl. A corpse, lying on the cold stone floor.
But during my few seconds of conciseness, I bought a computer with wifi. Let them get my coins now.
I was alive? Evidently, it seems I was a stronger creature than the elementalist ecounted for in his spell. My lungs tingled with wisps of air, my head felt a rush of blood and my heart started pumping warm blood through me again.
I still couldn't move though. But I'm feeling tingling. I opened my eyes to find myself stranded on a island in the middle of nowhere. I felt no panic. Why would I?
I was lying face down in sand. My limbs couldn't move, but all of a sudden, they could. I got up on my two own legs and looked around.
I never revealed it to you all, but I bought this crystal before I left my dungeon, that allowed me to teleport back to it whenever. I forgot about it, so I still have it here.
I opened my inventory and took it out.
[Do you wish to head back to your dungeon? Y/N]
Wait- I forgot about the teleporting effect it has on my stomach!
[Error! Cannot teleport here!]