Seven heavens

A/N: I hope the last two chapters has been a smooth read everyone? you may start dropping comments on the book to let me know your thoughts. Actually, I would be updating like two chapters a day but today I would love to give a bonus. I hope you guys can support this work of mine love you all💖💖


Out of the human realm stood the two women clad in overall white, their dress were sparkling clean and they gaze down from the clouds. You know what they call them? the gods. One had to power to make rain fall and one had the power to make thunder strike.

They were in the kingdom located in the sixth heaven, the castle was very appealing to the eyes and the color was also white, which was pure and untainted. Their king who was Lin Yi stood with the two women in the cloud as they gazed at nothing in particular, they were watching one of their gods who was in charge of lightning that was sent down to earth because of her rebellious act in the heavens.

She had surprised all of them that day when she said she wanted to bring everyone in the heaven to her knees, they didn't know what had crossed her mind and they all thought that she was going crazy.

But the woman wasn't crazy, she knew the pain she felt that they had hid secrets from her, which made her heart squeeze in pain when she found out. Rumors spread that she was in love with the king and that he didn't love her back and that was why she decided to rebel against the seven heavens. But they were all wrong, she wanted them to fall to her knees because of something else.

"Isn't it time we take shen Yue back, I mean she has suffered a lot and I know she would correct her mistakes" The king, Lin Yi muttered and the two ladies turned to face him with glares evident in their eyes, what the hell was he talking about.

The most high god had told them never to take her back because people like her never learn from their mistakes.

"Lin Yi, would you just stop spurting nonsense, you were there that very day that Shi Yi had banished her from this place and now you want to take her back, no take her and face the wrath of shi Yi yourself" The woman spat as fog was released from her pale pink lips.

"You don't have to be cruel Yao Yao, I know you despise shen Yue but cant you see how much she is suffering, she doesn't even know she is from here" The other woman with long blonde hair, pale skin, bright red lips and a small nose just perfect for her extraordinary face spoke.

"Oh spare me the useless lecture, I am cruel huh? did you know how much that woman has taken a lot from me, she took my lover first and now she is in charge of leading the armies whenever there is a war which was my duty at first. now you pity her when she committed a grave sin?" She said again as she glared at the king and the woman next to her. They weren't helping at all and they didn't know how much she hated shen Yue for taking what belongs to her.

"That's a result of your incompetence" A voice from behind spoke and the woman made way to meet them, she has overheard their discussion and she was someone who loves shen Yue although she was surprised to the core that the young woman defiled them and rebelled against them. shen Yue was her student who was still learning how to use her powers from her.

"I know all of you would support her, you people fail to notice the wrong that the girl has done and you insult me for making it clear to you, that's fine, no it's totally fine" She said as she left them. They all knew she was angry at them but none of them apologized or called her back.

"Darling, the meal is prepared won't you come and eat" The woman who was dressed in white gown and had golden crown with golden linen on the dress spoke, her name is Yi ran, the wife of the king.

When the other lady, Yao Yao saw that they were becoming intimate with each other, she left their sight knowing that they wanted time for each other.

"Let me see my student, it has been long since I last saw her" Yi ran said as she waved her hand gently and she saw shen Yue in the mirror.

"What?, how's her face like this, what did you people do to my student?" Yi ran said as she gripped her husband's shirt at the arm, shen Yue was the most beautiful woman in the heavens so why the hell did she look like this? Yi ran asked herself.

She zoomed in to see shen Yue who was crying silently, the left side of her face looked like it was burnt and the right side was who gave her all these marks?.

"Maybe you've forgotten Yi ran, the time shi Yi sent her to the human realm, he hid her beauty, as you know all the men would fall head over heels for her and most of them would want to use her, you should thank shi Yi for that" Lin Yi spoke in his usual calm tone.

"Thank shi Yi? do you know what you've done to her, who would want to associate with her oh shen! you shouldn't have done what you did before, look how you're suffering" The woman spoke as she caressed shen yue's face with her hand. Soon, tears started dropping from her face.

Her husband who didn't like seeing tears on her, quickly consoled her and caressed her, "What do you want me to do, I don't like seeing you like this Yi ran, stop crying please"

"You would do anything for me right?..." Yi ran asked and Lin Yi quickly nodded. "Then give her a wonderful life while she is there, I want her beauty restored and make sure she gets married to someone who truly loves her" the woman spoke and her husband subtly narrowed his eyes, if he did that wouldn't shi Yi punish him.

But he couldn't go against this woman in his arms, his love, there was no way he could make her sad,.maybe he would have to serve the punishment that Shi Yi would give him later.

"Alright" he said and Yi ran beamed with happiness and she hugged her husband and they both left for the castle.