can't believe it

Shen Yue groaned as she raised up her head to look around her, looking behind her she saw cars moving in lightning speed and she wondered if she had fallen on that road, she would have been grinded into a paste by these moving cars.

She turned to look in front of her and her gaze fell on a pair of dark shining shoes, her gaze trailed up and noticed the person was wearing dark pants. Her eyes kept moving as if inspecting every area of the person in her front and she did it so damn slow.

Her gaze fell on the golden belt that held the pants in place and when she turned to look at the owner of this body, her eyes widened in trepidation when she saw Liu Feng looking back at her with those dark brown eyes that seem very cold and solid as ice.

He was as handsome as always and his beauty seem to have leveled up again, she swallowed the lump in her throat when she saw his furrowed eyebrows, this person doesn't look less than the devil and she wondered if he was truly Liu Feng.

But wait! what was Liu Feng doing in this place, looking around she could only believe that she was in another type of world but how come she was here, trying to remember how she got here, she heard the menacing voice of Liu Feng.

"Care to get out of my way?" He asked in the most menacing tone that sent shivers down her spine. This Liu Feng has really changed, he wasn't the one who was always taunting and making her life miserable, this one was a devil!.

"L-l-liu Feng?" she stuttered but then the man frowned hard again.

"I'm sorry miss, you are not allowed to get close to the boss and take note, he isn't Liu Feng but Aaron Wang" One of the bodyguards of Aaron Wang spoke whose name was Sun Hao.

Her gaze shifted to the blonde haired man that has round glasses that covered his blue eyes that was slightly scared, he just managed to offer her a smile but she didn't return it..

"Aaron Wang?" Shen Yue asked herself but was loud enough for the man whose eyebrows were furrowed.

"That's my name lady and if you don't mind, move out of my way, you are seriously wasting my time and to tell you I don't like wasting even a second" Aaron spoke and shen Yue could only stare at him in confusion, who is this person that shared a resemblance to Liu Feng and what was he wearing, he was wearing a black suit and a black shirt that left two buttons opened and his toned chest peeked out.

"Aaron!" Someone yelled from behind and all gazes were diverted to the red haired guy running towards them, he also looked handsome and was a year older than Aaron.

"Let's get going" Aaron spoke not sparing a second glance at his elder brother who was making his way towards them. He walked past shen Yue who was still in a daze and his body guards followed him like puppets listening to their master, they all entered a black jeep and sped off.

"Aye, he wouldn't even wait for me, what an unruly younger brother" Lan Wang complained and his eyes subtly narrowed at the young woman who was in a trance. He clicked his tongue and her gaze diverted to him.

For a moment, Lan was tongue tied, he couldn't believe what his eyes was seeing, he had to rub it with his hands to make sure he wasn't hallucinating, what a goddess he came across.

'My my, why haven't I seen this woman before, she is surely going to surpass all the actress and models in this country, what a rare gem' Lan complimented shen Yue in his front. But what happened to his brother, was he blind when he was speaking to this woman, I mean how could he ignore her?' Lan asked himself, he knew his brother was the type that doesn't care about any woman, he doesn't care about anyone to be precise. He is just like a lonely being in this world that doesn't have anything to care for.

No matter how much their father told him to settle down, it fell on deaf ears, Aaron was the type of man that doesn't tolerate nonsense, be it his family or the outsiders. He doesn't like loosing to other people and that is why the Wag corporation now has been the no 1 all over the world. They were so many investors who were trying to invest in their business but if Aaron doesn't want it even if they proposed trillions, he wouldn't bat an eye when rejecting the offer.

"Aaron, I must say you are blind when speaking to this woman, can't you tell how beautiful she is?" Lan asked himself as he cursed his brother. "Sorry for yourself because I'm going to get this chic" Lan mummured before making advances towards shen.

"Please beauty, may I know your name?" Lan inquired and Shen Yue gaze fell on him.

did he just call her beauty?, she was no beauty, she was far the ugliest girl that no one wanted to associate with, then what nonsense was this man saying or maybe he needed glasses.

"Xue Lin, Lin!!" Someone called from behind as she pulled shen yue's arm making her almost stumble, shen yue's eyes now fell on what she was wearing, wait what?.. what the fuck is this?.

She was wearing a short that reached her mid thigh and a crop top, her hair was tied into a high ponytail. Her hands subconsciously travelled to her face and she realized that the left side of her face was smooth and delicate, she could feel that there wasn't any scar of being burned there and she just couldn't believe it.

Seems like falling from that portal had changed her life!.