
After Xue Lin finished dressing with the help of the maids, she turned to look at herself in the mirror.

'Should I be thankful that I am very beautiful in this new life offered to me or should be sad that I'm not myself' Xue Lin asked herself as she gently caressed herself. Why shouldn't she be happy, this was way too good and she would definitely prefer to keep living like this.

'This is a new beginning xue Lin, get yourself together'...'Fighting' she said as a smile plastered on a beautiful face as she clenched her small fist.

"Miss, master Lanzhou said you should come join them now, they are waiting for you" A maid repprted with her head bowed. Xue Lin wasn't still used to this, people bowing at her so she bowed back leaving the maid in shock. Their miss had never done something so outrageous like this and they didn't know whether to be thankful that she wasn't her cold and aloof self but had changed.

The maid's eyed subtly narrowed, the miss has been behaving like this ever since she went missing. What happened to her?

"Right" Xue Lin replied as she made her way towards the door which was opened by the maid, and then she walked out.


The Wangs residence....

"Glad to know you came Aaron, I thought you wouldn't come to see your uncle, by the way, lan called and told me that you left him behind...Tsk, what an unruly way to behave to your older brother" His uncle, Riley Wang spat.

"Left him behind?, he has his own car, why does he need a ride with me if he wants to come here" Aaron replied, his voice was always so cold that his uncle was wondering if this was still the boy he played with when he was young.

"Anyways, welcome, won't you give your uncle a hug?, it's been days since I last saw you" The uncle said as he opened his arm wide for Aaron, but as usual, the guy rolled his eyes as he walked past him.

"I told you before uncle, I hate people around me, not to talk of me getting close to people" He said, his voice deep and had a hit of mock in it.

"Alright, alright, come have a sit" He said leading Aaron to the white couch, everything in the house was white and gold which screamed of nothing but luxury. Who were they? they were the Wangs. You don't expect them to buy or use something costing thousands, they preferred spending millions.

The butler delegated the work to the maids and sooner than later, the table was filled with different foods and different brand of wines. Aaron, his uncle and his wife plus his elder brother who just arrived a minute ago sat at the dining to enjoy the meals specially prepared for them.

Riley Wang cleared his throat before dropping his fork on his plate, he faced Aaron directly. The guy behaved as if no one was looking at him as he kept eating his food quietly.

"Aaron?" Riley called and Aaron raised his head to look at this uncle of his who has turned disturbing. Does he really need to call his name while he was eating?.

"The reason why I invited you here, I'm sure you already know, but I would like to elaborate on it again. Last time you visited, we didn't have the chance to finish the topic we were discussing so let's start now"Riley spoke.

"I'm not in a class uncle, get straight to the point" Aaron said but his voice sounded rather demanding, that made the dining room shook.

"Yes yes..." His uncle chuckled ackwardly, he doesn't know why he suddenly was nervous, this bad nephew of his surely knows how to deal with him...sometimes he was even scared of his own nephew.

"I'm waiting..." Aaron spoke glancing at his wrist watch, it was as if every seconds mattered to him and he seriously doesn't like wasting his precious time.

"You should get a wife soon Aaron, you are turning thirty and it's no joke, enemies would start targeting you once they know you don't have an heir, so to save the Wang corporation, an heir is needed. Someone who will carry on the business because the way I see things, anything can happen at anytime, don't forget the counter attack at the airport...It was all because you refuse to have an heir" said Riley as he looked into his nephew's eyes, he saw his nephew glare at him dangerously and an invisible sweat dropped from his forehead.

"So? what difference would it make if I have an heir?" Aaron asked, glaring at his uncle as if to kill him.

"It would definitely make a difference, some of your enemies would back down" He replied.

"Besides a friend of mine is in need of help and I am in need of what he has, he has such a beautiful lady under his care, I heard her name is ...Xu..Xue Lin, she's very good and I'm sure you'll like her, my friend who is her uncle decides to give his cousin if we would help him rise from where he has fallen. Aaron, you've got to seize this opportunity and make her yours before anyone else would" His uncle started but then continued.. "Your father entrusted you to me before he died and it's my duty to interfere in your life Aaron, just to make sure you don't make any mistake ..It's your father's dream to get you married after you turned Twenty five but unfortunately he died, three years has gone and what I want now is to help him fulfil that wish of his that he never got the chance to fulfil. Look, Lan is married and blessed with a kid, at least that kid would take over his entertainment industry once he's come age..Aaron I mean no harm believe me, but it's better if you get married and have a kid now" His uncle finished and his voice was firm throughout the talk, that blank expression was just a facade, he was scared with the glares that Aaron threw at him.

A/N: Dear readers, please vote for this book and drop your comments to let me know your thoughts...

And note that Shen Yue is Xue Lin now, and I'll be using Xue Lin throughout the book.

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Fb:Liz zenny.

Mass release of 5 chaps if we can reach 200.