In the guest room

The kiss was rough and wild as if Aaron didn't care about hurting her at all.. He kept kissing her hard until he heard her wince in pain and he let go of her lips, looking at the swollen and reddish lips left him satisfied and he turned and straightened his suit properly and sat on his seat, pretending as if nothing had happened.

On arriving at their destination, Xue lin hopped down from the jeep after Aaron had alighted. she almost gasped at the sight of the mansion, even if it was night she could still see how extremely big it was.

When she saw Aaron walking, she hastily followed him just to catch up with him. The guy saw her gaping at the mansion but he didn't snap her back to reality or call her, he left her there as if she wasn't even present in the first place.

"Where do you think you are going?" Aaron asked as he stood in front of the door which led to his room, seems like the girl had unconsciously followed him till he reached the entrance of his room.

"Where you are going?" she reiterated his question and Aaron turned back to gaze at her slightly widened brown eyes which looked so bright and beautiful, in fact, he should be honest. He has never seen anything as beautiful as her eyes and it did something in his mind.

"I'm going to my room, are you sure you want to follow me?" He inquired and saw the girl gulp softly, no normal girl would follow a guy to his room at this hour.

"Aren't you afraid that I might touch you or hurt you in there" Aaron asked again jerking his head towards the door and Xue Lin shook her head, as if she was damn sure that he wouldn't.

"You can't Aaron, I trust you" She blurted out and Aaron couldn't help but facepalm himself in his mind, must this girl be this naive. After kissing her and tasting her sweet lips in the car, he felt the urge to do more but he managed to control his overwhelming desire to jump on her. Now that she wanted to enter his room, would he still be able to restrain himself from jumping at her, 'I don't think so' Aaron muttered inwardly.

"Save that trust for yourself, you can't sleep in my room" Aaron said sharply, his cold demeanor started resurfacing again and whenever he was being like this, xue Lin didn't like it, no, she dreaded it.

"Where will..." Her voice trailed off but he cut her off as he beckoned for his butler to come closer.

"Show her the guest room, she'll be staying in there" Aaron ordered and with that he entered his room slamming the door shut at her face. Xue Lin had her eyes widen, guest room? really? even if she was married to him would she still sleep in the guest room?. 'You are not get married xue Lin, probably that's why you'll be sleeping in the guest room as his guest'. She told herself.

The butler led the way and xue Lin quietly followed him without uttering a word, the guest room was shown to her, she thanked the butler and quietly went inside.

She looked around and noticed that the room was ten times spacious even if it was just a guest room, there are so many luxury that xue Lin had seen since she stepped into this world.

Placing her bag on the bed, she sat at the edge and slowly thrashes on it, feeling the warmth and softness of the bed against her delicate skin. She gasped when she noticed that she hasn't told her friend about it yet. The reason why Xue Lin wanted to convey it to Yang mi was so that the latter wouldn't wait for her at her uncle's house.

She rummaged through her bag and found her android phone, after swiping the screen she went to dial her friend's number immediately.

Yang mi on the other hand was having a peaceful sleep when her phone rang, she was reluctant to pick the call because once she picked it, she wouldn't be able to get her sleep, thus she ignored it.

However, the caller was determined to do anything for her to receive the call and Yang mi could only sigh internally as she picked up the call. "Hello" She muttered huskily, sleep evident in her tone.

"Hello it's me xue Lin" Xue Lin said softly over the phone.

"Yeah I know, don't tell me you can't sleep and you want me to sing a lullaby?" Yang mi asked

"No, no it's nothing like that, it's just that I'm getting married to Aaron next tommorow and since you are my best friend, it's best to let you know" Xue Lin stated and as soon as it registered in yang mi's head, she sprang up from the bed.

"Eh?, when did this happen?" She asked, it was damn unbelievably, didn't they just return from the mall. How could everything happen so fast?. Xue Lin explained everything that transpired during Aaron's stay at her uncle's house and Yang mi's eyes kept widening every second unable to digest the fact that her only best friend was getting married to the famous young CEO of the Wang corporation.

She was jealous of Xue Lin at the same time happy for her that she could get into the Wang's family, their family spelt power, fame, wealth, protection and since xue Lin was marrying to one of them, she would be assessing all these right?.

"Is he beside you now?" Yang mi asked and xue Lin shook her head and uttered "No"

The way she said it sounded as if she was disappointed and brokenhearted and Yang mi couldn't help but feel pity towards her friend, she knew how cold and arrogant Aaron is, thanks to many news she has heard and things she has seen either on the media or true life fact.

"Wait! what do you mean by no? aren't you two supposed to share a room?" Yang mi asked slightly surprised.

"We are not" she replied curtly and heard Yang mi sigh over the line.

"Then where are you?" Yang mi asked, if she wasn't in Aaron's room then where was she?, she hoped her friend wasn't locked in the toilet or kitchen, or put in a kennel.

Xue Lin set her lips into a thin line before she finally answered her friend "In the guest room"

Yang mi: ....!!!