Only if

Darren pulled xue lin closer after she had pushed him away and tried to kiss her again but her fist came forward to punch his face, he was quick to dodge it and then he held her hands with one of his hands and forcefully kissed her.

"You taste so sweet, no wonder why he doesn't want to let you go, but today I'll have you for myself and he has nothing to do about it" He said as he grinned wickedly and took her lips in his again, his tongue swept across the length of her upper lips as he kissed, sucked and bit on it. Xue lin couldn't stop the tears that were trickling down her face, what of Aaron came here suddenly what would he do to her? of course he wouldn't be pleased that his wife was kissing another man, that too the man that had a striking resemblance to him.

"C'mon baby, don't cry, I'll treat you better than that devil okay, in fact come to me, I'll give you more than you can imagine, more than what he gives you" Darren said as he went back to kiss her again, he left her nips and ran his tongue over her neck. He didn't stop even when the woman he was making out with was crying, she's crying because of pleasure he thought.

"Stop right now, if Aaron sees you, he'll beat you to death please stop" Xue lin begged at the top of her voice but the man was completely deaf to hear her pleas.

"Hush now, you are so beautiful why then are you restricting yourself to only Aaron, you only tasted him and you want him alone, how about you taste me and compare which taste better" He proposed, his hand touched her breast and gently caressed it.

"Some married women do this also you know, they are never satisfied with their husbands, how about you try it also" He said as he started licking her neck again but then he halted in place, his eyes jerked towards the door as if calculating something. He let go of the woman and straightened himself as if he hadn't done anything with her...

"I'll see you next time" He smirked and left the restroom through the back door.

The restroom door broke open and Aaron was seen standing at the entrance as he gazed dangerously at his wife, he has been calling her since but she didn't answer him so he came to the restroom to look for her because he was afraid something might have happened to her.

"Aaron" she muttered weakly as she took her purse and went to meet him.

"Xue lin, you ignored my calls and here I was thinking something bad happened to you, what the hell were you doing since?" He asked menacingly not caring about others who were looking at them.

"I- I - ca- me here to use the restroom, I'm sorry for ignoring your calls" She apologized.

"If you do this again, I'll punish you and this time, it'll be a big punishment, don't ever do this again" He warned and she nodded her head.

"Let's go home" he said and pulled her beside him and they both left the bar. When they were in the car, Aaron gaze flew to her because she was so silent ever since they came out of the bar and now that she was looking outside the window and wasn't talking to him stirred something inside him. His gaze then suddenly flew to her neck and he noticed the pinkish mark on it, his eyes also caught sight of her swollen lips and her crumpled top at the breast side. He slowly parked the car at a side on the highway.

"Why did we stop?" Xue lin asked him not gazing at him, actually she was feeling ashamed because a man just kissed her and touched her knowing fully well that she was a married woman, why the hell did she let it happen?

"What's this?" he asked pointing at her neck, he didn't even bother to answer her question. Xue lin brought out a mirror from her bag and looked at her neck to check what he was asking for, her eyes widened when she saw the mark, it was the mark from that guy named Darren. When he had sucked on her neck, he left his mark there? did he do it so Aaron could fight with her?

"It's nothing, I scratched myself" She lied, she couldn't possibly tell the truth to Aaron, what would he say to her? what would he do to her?. Her heart was beating loudly inside her chest and her palms became sweaty, never in her life had she been so nervous like this, she then saw Aaron inching closer to her, he sniffed her neck and his eyes widened again.

"You're lying, what's this, what did you do in the toilet, did you... see a man there?" He asked, his voice was harsh as he glared at her, the tension in the car suddenly became heavy and it was all because of xue lin, why did she let the man touch her, soon tears welled up in her eyes and she started crying.

"I'm sorry, I didn't plan to meet a man there but when I finished using the toilet a guy was standing there and he cornered me and did this to me" She said as she kept crying, Aaron knew that this was actually his fault, only if he hadn't come to the bar with her and only if Yuxi didn't call him.

"What did he do to you?" Aaron asked with clenched teeth, he couldn't get over the fact that a bastard had touch his wife right under his nose, he was furious with himself for coming to the bar, furious at xue lin that she hadn't try to save herself and furious at Yuxi for calling him, furious at the bastard for assaulting his wife... Damn! he was so furious at the world!.

"He k-Kissed me and touched me here" She said touching the part where he had touched her and Aaron felt his aura resurfacing again, if he could find this bastard, he would make sure to kill him!.

"I'm sorry Aaron, I never wanted to do this" she explained again and started crying again, Aaron felt thousand of needles pierce his heart as he gazed at his crying wife, her crying like that only made him more furious at the bastard.

"It's okay xue lin, I'll find out who he is and teach him a lesson okay? now stop crying" He said and drew her closer to himself as he patted her back and caressed her hair gently, he wasn't even aware of what he was doing, if he was the previous Aaron he would have told her to get out of his car and never come back to his house, he would even call her all sort of names but something was wrong with him, he couldn't bear to see this woman crying and anything that made her cry even himself wouldn't go scot free.

When he saw that she had calmed down and had cleaned her tears, he accelerated the car and they went back home...

-In Aaron's study-

He was sitting on his chair as he gazed out of the window, he was still thinking about the bastard that made xue lin cry today, the thing that was even suspicious was that when lan had called him and he went away from the bar, he didn't find lan or his bodyguards, he spent time looking for his elder brother but couldn't find him.

He quickly called lan to confirm who it was that called him earlier.

"Yes Aaron, what do you want?" Lan asked over the phone.

"Did you ask us to meet outside the bar?" Aaron asked worriedly, this was the first time he felt anxious.

"No I didn't, I didn't even call you" Lan answered, "Is anything wrong, you can tell me" Lan said and Aaron was hesitating to tell lan what happened but then he finally told him everything that happened in the bar and how xue lin was touched by someone.

"Have you demanded for the footage of the CCTV camera at the restroom?" Lan asked and Aaron replied with a 'yes' he told Gu Chen to help him get it.

"Then what did you see?" lan asked.

"There was a guy dressed in all black he approached xue lin and did what he wanted to do with her, actually I am thinking that the guy has something to do with the call that I received saying it was you" Aaron explained, after some exchange of ideas of the two brother, the call finally ended.

Aaron left his study and walked over to his room, he closed the door shut and approached the bed and gently laid down beside xue lin, he caressed her hair gently before kissing it. "I'm sorry, I'm the one to blame for today, I actually behaved stupidly" He muttered under his breath. His gaze fell on her neck again and his fist clenched, only if the CCTV camera had capture the guy's face then Aaron would have dealt with him.