Video call

The ride in the bus was smooth and slow, xue lin had her eyes fixed on her phone waiting if Aaron would at least call her and ask how she's doing even though its been hours since they last saw each other. But nothing came, no call from him as if he forgot about having a wife, as if he forgot about her existence...

But xue lin wanted to know if he has arrived at country C because that was where he planned to go for his business. The phone was ringing so she quickly put in the ear piece and could now hear the rings in her ear without having to disturb other people, after like eternity, he finally picked up his call.

Xue lin was feeling nervous, she called him now and doesn't have anything to say, what if he was annoyed by what she was doing. She took In a deep breath as she spoke shyly,

"Darling, have you arrived yet?" she asked nervously while Aaron on the other hand could sense her nervousness so he responded to her trying to make her feel at ease with him.

"Mn, why?" He asked, xue Lin's eyes wandered around to check if someone was looking at her or was hearing their conversion, but they would hear wouldn't they? when they are not deaf! she concluded in her mind.

"I just wanted to ask, uhmm... I'm really missing you here even if you just left an hour ago" She replied nervously as she bit her lips and closed her eyes waiting for his response but all she got was silence from the other side of the phone.

"Aaron are you still there?" she asked worriedly because she didn't hear his voice making her anxiousness rise to its peak.

"Yes I am, I miss you too" he unconsciously blurted out but he regretted what he said at that minute because the girl gasped in surprise, he could imagine how she would jump at him in happiness if he was beside her, the thought made him chuckle lightly.

Wait!? Did he just laugh?

Xue lin checked the screen to make sure she was talking to Aaron and when she confirmed it, she gasped again!, he laughed?? oh my God he laughed!!, oh it's so cute and sounded adorable' she ranted in her head forgetting that yang mi was by her side, she was even pinching yang mi and shoving her that the lady felt she could fly out of the window because of her friend's assault.

"Really!, did you mean what you just said?" She asked excitedly, with her voice sounding loud, she diverted attention to her and when they saw that she was talking to someone, they were curious to know who it was that made this girl behave like a teenager who was just kissed by her crush...

"No" he replied curtly making xue lin sigh I'm disappointment, Aaron really wanted to laugh out loud, he could imagine that cute lips pouted and her shoulders slumping in disappointment, he knew she would be amazingly cute right now and he thought of seeing her...

"Aww why?" she purred like a cat, but then her voice immediately became extremely happy again as if nothing happened before, Aaron shook his head, what a swing of mood? he thought to himself.

"Then can I see you right now?" she asked and he replied with a 'yes' as he sent an incoming video call to her and she excitedly picked it.

When she saw Aaron, her eyes almost popped out because of his extreme cuteness, she felt like teleporting there to squeeze him right and pinch his cheeks which would only leave the man annoyed but then she wondered why she hadn't tried it, was she not brave enough or she was just scared to see his response, anyways when he comes back she would definitely find a way to touch his face without him complaining, and yeah, other parts of his body also.

He was actually sitting on the bed wearing his shirt that left three buttons opened and his muscular chest peeked out that made xue lin feel like running her hands over it to feel the hardness and warmth she would feel when pressed against her body.

His hair was ruffled and his eyes were slightly red as if he just finished waking up and oh his lips looked pink as well.

Aaron gazed back at his wife who was inside a moving bus, he could see kids at the back of her chair and he immediately had the urge to hang up the call.

"So that's where you are staying?" Xue lin asked and Aaron nodded as he turned his phone around so xue lin could see his room properly, as usual she was astounded by the decoration of the room, it screamed of nothing but luxury and everything in there, from the vase to the collage hung on the wall and few pictures, it was so exquisite.

"It's beautiful, is it yours?" She asked out of the blue and he nodded then xue lin began to wonder if this guy had house in all the countries but then he said something that made her eyes widened again, this was obviously not Aaron, where was the cold and aloof Aaron that doesn't care about anything or anyone, but she preferred this side of him.

"Do you like it?, I can bring you here some day" He stated and saw her eyes widen at him in happiness, this woman... just where did she come from...

"I'd love that..." She looked around because the bus had come to a halt signifying that they had reached the building where they wanted to tour.

"Uhmm, I have to go "

"To where?" He asked.

"The cinema, the teachers are bringing the kids here for a tour and to watch a movie, it's fun right?" she asked and he replied Mn.

She wanted to say something again but was interrupted when a kid popped out her head from no where and stared at Aaron before asking her, "Aunt xue lin is that your prince charming, he is so beautiful oh, can I meet him, I want to talk to him, I want to talk to him" she said excitedly and also diverted the attention of other kids to Aaron.

Aaron on the other hand was stupefied, him? prince charming? he was no prince and he was no charming... wait what am I even thinking? I'm too charming and that's why xue lin is falling for me right?" he asked himself.

"Bye Aaron, I love you" she blurted out and hung up the call afraid that he might utter something that she wouldn't like.