Only one

He licked his lips slowly with his gaze still fixed on her luscious lips, he really needed to lick those lips again, he suddenly attacked her and pushed her on the bed and a small whimper escaped her lips. She stared back at Aaron whose eyes was filled with desire and most especially lust, he just wanted to eat her again.

"W-What are you doing Aaron you need to finish yo-" she protested but he covered her lips with his quickly, he was ravishing it like a hungry beast. Her lips tasted so sweet and soft as they moved over his, he just wanted only this woman, she made him lose control and she was the only one that has succeed in making him go nuts. He was clearly going crazy.

After a while, he stopped kissing her as he sat back on the bed with his head against the headrest, he beckoned on her to come forward and continue to feed him because his senses told him that she was feeling tired and needed some sleep, as a good husband, he should be considerate right?.

When she had finished feeding him and giving him the pills so he could get better soon as per the family's doctor instruction, she made sure that he laid down, she covered his body with the duvet and kissed his forehead. That simple gesture drove him mad, what was this woman made of?, 'Aaron seems like you're going to fall for her, she's too extraordinary" He told himself.

He watched her back as she went to the bathroom to wash herself, later she came out in her peach nightgown and slowly made her way towards the bed to lay beside him, he still wasn't asleep as he was watching her with those curious eyes, she bit her lips and lowered her gaze shyly when she felt his piercing gaze on her, she inched closer, then she moved again and again until she could feel his body. She slowly draped her arms around his waist and pulled herself closer to him, She looked up to meet his gaze then she uttered, "Goodnight love", she kissed his lips and placed her head on his chest.

'Fuck' Aaron muttered inwardly, what was happening to him, he felt like he had to say those words back to her... No something is definitely wrong with him, he had to see his doctor tomorrow.

He could see that her breathing was already steady so he unconsciously raised his hands to stroke her hair, his lips curved up into a smile as he ran his hand in her hair, it was so soft and silky. "Xue lin, what do I do with you?" He asked her as he continued stroking her hair, he lowered his head to kiss her hair then he smelled it, it smelled like candies, soft and sweet like her.


The next morning, xue lin quickly woke up because she had to send mia lee back to school, last night she had helped the girl change into her top that was still big for the girl, anyways she had to manage it. Xue lin then washed the clothes and neatly spread it on the window in the room so it would dry quickly.

Once she finished dressing up in a white long sleeve paired with a jump suit. She looked over at Aaron, he was still sleeping so she went over to touch his forehead, thank Goodness that he wasn't burning like last night. She leaned down to give him a peck then she hurriedly went away to dress up for Mia.

The two had their breakfast of pancakes and milkshake, "Please pack some foods for this little girl here, she will eat it as lunch" Xue lin said to the maids who nodded then left to do what she was told to, she came back with a small pack. Xue lin appreciated the maid and collected the pack from her, she then carried the little girl mia and went out of the mansion.

The driver offered to give them a ride to the school and while they were in the car, "Auntie, I'm going to meet my mother today right?" Mia asked, her tone was somehow sad because she was never away from her mother, not even once, not that she doesn't like to stay with xue lin but she was attached to her mother.

"Yes" Xue lin replied shortly.

The rest of the ride were made in silence and not long, they arrived at the school, she carried mia once again and led her through the school gates.

She first came across the headmistress who was tapping her feet on the ground impatiently while her arms was crossed over her chest, xue lin knew that she could lose her job because of being so careless yesterday.

She expected to be scolded but the next words from the woman left her stunned, she had to blink a few times to make sure she heard it right.

"Thank goodness you are safe, we've been so worried about you, mia come here, your mother is waiting" The headmistress informed as she outstretched her arms to receive the girl from xue lin.

"Yay, I'll finally meet my mommy" Mia said happily as her face shone brightly, the headmistress took the girl away to meet her mother.

"Xue lin, ah, you are safe, thank goodness, do you know how worried I was yesterday your husband was shouting at me as if I had instigated those men to kidnap you, you should have heard his voice, it's even more louder than ear blasters and it also sounded terrifying, ah! I don't wish to speak to him again" Yang mi complained as she held her friend's hand.

"I'm sorry for all you have went through yesterday because of me" Xue lin apologized as she pecked her friend's soft cheek, she knew that whenever she did that yang mi always forgave her.

"It's alright, but you'll treat me to a meal this afternoon okay?" She asked and the latter nodded smiling, they walked towards the class where they were teaching.


Hi readers, I hope you like this book, please vote and drop reviews for this book. Comment and tell me your thoughts, it would really be appreciated.

To make you happy, I will do a mass release of five chaps today, so read and enjoy... Lots of love 🥰🥰🥰