Such a mess

"Please sit" Yuxi gestured to the lady in front of him who looked like she was lost in her thought. Yang mi was brought back to reality after hearing his soothing voice, she sat down opposite him.

"What would you like to have?" Yuxi asked as he handed her the menu card, yang mi collected it and glanced at the meal. Her stomach started singing unconsciously as she read the foods listed.

"This, this and this" She told the waiter, the waiter nodded and bowed before retreating to get the meal ordered.

"I never knew you would be this beautiful, you are looking gorgeous and sweet today" Yuxi complimented her as his gaze raked though her face, taking in all her features.

Yang mi slowly bit her lips as she blushed, "You are looking good too" She commented, she started fiddling with the edge of her dress because she was nervous, she had never had a date in her life and this was very new to her.

"Relax okay? you don't have to feel uncomfortable with me, you can be free with me" Yuxi said as he flashed his smile at her which made yang mi stop breathing, just how the hell could he look this good.

Yang mi nodded as she glanced around, her eyes landed on xue Lin, her eyes widened what a small world, so they could actually meet here and dine with their lovers.

"So yang mi, please tell me about yourself" Yuxi asked as soon as they finished eating, he had said everything about himself Including the most embarrassing part of his life where he had pooped in his pants because the someone was in the toilet and when he was running away to find somewhere safe to poop, his pants fell off and his poop started dripping down his legs. It was just too embarrassing and his classmates made it worse by laughing at him. He was still a kid that time.

He explained to her that he lost his parents due to an aeroplane crash, they were going for a trip when the unfortunate event happened but fortunately he was the only one who had survived out of all the passengers, life became hard for him, he, who was just a little boy then. Sometimes he wished that he could have he gone with his parents because life was just too hard for him, it was treating him unjustly, mercilessly.

Yang mi could see pain reflect in his eyes as he spoke about his parents, looks like they had a good bonding. She placed her hands on his which was resting on the table and she caressed it.

"I'm sorry, I hope you find happiness soon" She muttered under her breath as she caressed his hand gently, she already liked this man, he never hid anything about him, he was just too truthful that yang mi had a hard time believing that there could be a man as honest as he was.

"Yeah, my happiness is already before me" Yuxi replied as he stared into her eyes, he brought her hand forward to his mouth and he gently placed a kiss on it.

Yang mi felt restless, just what the hell was building up in her stomach, she felt butterflies in them. That simple kiss just made her world halt, he placed it on her hand what if it was her lips, she would have fainted by now, Her left hand slowly touched her lips and she unconsciously licked it.

Yuxi smirked, does she want a kiss on their first time of meeting because that was how she was reacting, she wanted a kiss right?

He slowly stood up and went over to her seat, he leaned closer to her, his hand went over to her nape and he drew her face closer, he caressed her ear slowly and then... the unexpected came, she sneezed on his face.

"Geez what have I done?" Yang mi asked herself as she tried reaching for the tissue to clean his face but he stopped her.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry" She said apologetically while the man had returned to his seat and continued drinking his wine like nothing had happened.

"You are such a mess" Yang mi thought to herself, what would happen to her now, would he reject her because she was disgusting, this was their first kiss and she flunked it, just why does she have to sneeze now.

Yuxi had felt her temperature and he was worried when she felt hot, was she sick? maybe that's why she sneezed on me, how cute. He thought to himself, emptying the wine in his glass cup, he stood up and quietly walked away.

Yang mi watched his back leaving and she thought that it was over for them, just why was she stupid at this moment. She felt tears brimming in her eyes so she hastily stood up and walked towards the exit, she wanted to leave before she started crying. She was such a mess, no wonder why no body wanted her, not even her family and now Yuxi just leaving her made it more heartbreaking for her. she couldn't bear it anymore so she left with the taxi.

Yuxi came back to the seat holding a medicine in his hand, he hastily went to get a medicine for her but he thought he did wrong by not informing her first, he didn't want her to say, "Don't bother I can manage myself". That was why he left to buy medicine from the pharmacy nearer to the restaurant.

"Where is she?" He asked himself as he looked around but he couldn't find the girl, he even ran out to look for her but he couldn't find her. Where did she go? He asked himself.

"What's wrong I saw you running outside, who are you looking for?" Aaron asked as he stood beside Yuxi, his wife was in his arms, she was drunk.

"My date yang mi, I am thinking she left, but why? I just went to get her this" He said as he crumpled the medicine in his hands.

"Did you say yang mi, oh I know her, she is my best friend, don't worry I'll help you talk to her and ask why she didn't leave a notice" Spoke xue lin as she wrapped her arms around neck tightly.

"Really? you know her? thanks a lot, please help me ask her and I'll also try asking" Yuxi spoke and with that Aaron left with his wife while Yuxi stood there as he dialed yang mi's number.

"The number you have dialed is currently unavailable, please try again... the number-" Yuxi heard on his phone and his brows furrowed, he really messed up this time, he messed up big time.

A/N: I hope you guys aren't feeling sad because the next chapters the misunderstanding would be cleared. Yuxi and our yang mi would start their love life, I hope you are excited, if you are, please vote and drop comments... Love you all❤️❤️❤️