Because she is mine

Just as xue lin had suspected the woman had dressed seductively, extravagantly. "Why does she look like she's going for a prom?" xue lin asked herself but she didn't know that Aaron heard, he could feel her jealousy but nevertheless, his heart was occupied with only her and not this woman even if she dressed in clothes worth millions.

Xue lin and Aaron walked towards the other staffs who bowed their heads at Aaron including sang tian who bowed at him, the dress she wore had a low neckline which revealed the swell of her bosom, she was sure that Aaron had seen it and only ignored it but she was sure that very soon she would be controlling him and not that woman who stood beside him. His wife was really beautiful, even with all the clothes she wore, she realized that she didn't stand a chance next to xue lin.

Aaron introduced sang tian to everyone while not making a eye contact with her, he told her what she needed to know about his company and what everyone does. After the introduction was done, what he said shocked her, even the employees started mummuring about what she wore, sang tian had never been embarrassed in her entire life like she was today.

"This is a place of work and not place to attract attention, don't dress extravagantly starting from tomorrow and you can see clearly with your eyes what everyone is wearing" Aaron stated with a straight face, his hands placed in his pocket and his face void of any emotions as he looked at her.

"Does that rule only apply to me? what of her?" Sang tian queried as she pointed at xue lin who had her eyes widened, sang tian was more dressed than her wasn't she. Xue lin was only wearing a dark blue skirt, a peach shirt and a dark blue suit that had silver embroidery and diamond stones on it, she just wore a piece of bracelet and a small chain around her neck.

"She is exempted" spoke Aaron leaving no room for argument as he replied back to her, he could see his employees mummuring about something and he knew they were gossiping about him, right in front of him, they seriously lacked manners or was it because he was too lenient with them.

"Why? so she could seduce you in your office?" sang tian asked as she faced xue lin with disgust evident on her face, she was quite displeased seeing that xue lin was more beautiful than her.

The mummuring became louder because of what sang tian had said, "Yes and also because she is mine" Aaron spoke confidently ad he wrapped his arms around xue Lin's waist possessively. The world seem to screech to an halt, everyone had their eyes widened except from sang tian and Aaron, because they knew that xue lin was Aaron's wife.

"Everyone get back to work right now!" said the boss as he walked away with his arms wrapped around his wife.


"Did you see the embarrassment on her face? that was very good for her!" Xue lin commented as she walked over to her chair to have a sit while Aaron sat on her desk facing her.

"Yes indeed, to think that she would come and separate us, that's not and never going to happen" Aaron reassured her as he placed his hands on her's which was on the desk. His eyes was gleaming brightly with happiness ever since he woke up this morning, he didn't know why but he felt fulfilled and happy and he knew that this sweet wife of his was the very cause.

"Aaron don't you care about what people might say about us, I mean they don't know that we are married, wouldn't they go-" she couldn't complete her statement as Aaron had placed his lips on her's, he pulled her up to kiss her deeply, his palm held her face in position while her arms were wrapped around his neck intimately as they shared their kiss.

"Do you want me to reveal to them that we are married, whatever they want to say let them say, it won't bother me and it shouldn't bother you either" He finished.

Xue lin sighed as she thought about what he had said, what if they thought that it was the reason why she was his secretary and didn't go through all the interview process, what if they thought that he was an incompetent boss who was mixing his private life with his work, what if they thought that she was here to drag them down! wouldn't it be better to keep it a secret than make it loud for the obvious reasons she was scared of.

"No need, let's not bother ourself with it okay? now please boss get back to work, it's too early to start what you are doing" said xue lin as she blushed profusely because of his hand that was placed on her bottom. Hearing her statement, he bit his lips sexily and bent his neck again to kiss her before retracting his hand from her body.

"Yes boss!" He said loudly making xue lin chuckle and with that the two lovebirds became serious as they started with their work.

Getting to her cubicle, sang tian used her heels to kick the chair violently, she wished she could tell at the top of her voice but that wasn't allowed here, it would mean getting fired on the first day of work!

She gripped the chair hard with her hands as she remembered how Aaron had embarrassed her in front of everyone, wouldn't it be fair to just upload the video of him and her having a scandal, but that would affect her also in which she doesn't want or else... she would have to change the effects of the video making it look like he was forcing himself on her.

Her lips curved into a devilish smirk as she thought of her evil scheme, her phone rang and she quickly picked it up seeing that it was her boss, Darren, who had sent her here to spy and to cause chaos.

"Is everything going according to plan? are you settled in there?" Darren asked over the phone as he twirled the drink in his glass.

"Yes boss, I am settled here"

"Then is there any progress of you getting closer to him?" He asked again

"Uhmm..." Sang tian trailed off as she was afraid to let him know about what had transpired in the office today, he would just call her stupid.

"What?" Darren asked yelling impatiently over the phone, he had quite a lot of work on his plate and this one was bent on wasting his precious time.

"No not at all, he didn't show sign if being attracted" She spoke honestly because that was what she saw with her eyes, Aaron had looked away from her like she was a pile of thrash while he set his gaze on that wretched bitch of his.

"You fool! I thought you said you would attract him by dressing seductively and all that... what happened to that stupid mouth of your s that was bragging this morning huh?, don't tell me that he isn't interested in woman now because that would be just a waste of time getting him to fall for you" Darren spoke angrily over the phone as he gritted his teeth, not wanting to hear her stinking voice anymore he cut the call.