Chap 29 - Senjutsu Training. (3)

Ryuuji let his mind and senses go into a trance-like state as he examined the inside of his body with the Mind Eye of the Kagura.

Ryuuji ignored the small golden star that was his chakra and focused exclusively on the inside of his body, mainly on his heart, which was beating with insane force.

Ryuuji began to focus only in his heart muscle that forms the muscular portion of the heart and gradually began to understand how his heart was largely responsible for the production of Yang Energy.

The red-haired boy quickly noticed the way his heart and the rest of his body convert calories and life force, or in his case, solar radiation to create this supernatural energy that makes up chakra.

After understanding this process, Ryuuji felt that his chakra control had taken a new step forward. It wasn't a big enough evolution to make any glaring difference, but he was happy to have evolved in an area that he felt had reached the limit.

At the same time, Ryuuji also began to use Yang Energy as a conduit of information, to decrease the involuntary contractions of his myocardium, trying to decrease the force generated by his heartbeat and consequently decrease the speed of his blood circulation.

A week after starting training to control his heartbeat, Ryuuji was sitting in the garden of his house, with Konan sitting on his lap.

Konan had her eyes closed, enjoying the caress Ryuuji was giving her soft hair.

The girl opened her eyes when she heard a small bang, caused by the fight between Morgiana and Mikoto, who were training next to them.

" Ryuu-nii, do you think I'll be as strong as Morgiana-nee or Mikoto-nee? "

Ryuuji smiled at the little blue haired girl as he continued to massage her hair.

" Of course I do, Konan-chan. All you need to do is invent your own way to get stronger. If there's one thing I've discovered, it's that those who follow a pattern always become average. "

" Hmm. Do you think I can use paper as a form of Ninjutsu? Like Mom, I also really love origami! "

The image of Konan flying through the skies like an angel was always on Ryuuji's mind, so he promptly encouraged her to go down that path.

" Of course, Konan-chan…I think this would be a great way for you to break out of the norm. "

As the two of them talked and joked, a little behind them Kushina stomped her feet on the floor as she tightly gripped the skirt of her maid uniform.

" Ryu-uu-ji! Will you ignore my existence?! "

Ryuuji stopped talking to Konan and looked back.

" Ah, Kushina…you've finally arrived. "

Ryuuji examined Kushina's outfit and bit his lip to keep from laughing.

His cousin was even cuter in her maid outfit, but he wouldn't let her hear those words out of his mouth, so he just pretended to be amused.

Kushina bit her lower lip and puffed out her cheek in anger.

" I swear I'll make you pay for this, Ryuu-nii! "

Ryuuji smiled and continued to enjoy the situation, taking the opportunity to enjoy the view of Kushina, who was really cute in her maid uniform.

Konan got up from Ryuuji's lap and approached Kushina.

" Kushina-nee…I think you look beautiful! "

Kushina's anger evaporated and she looked at Konan with stars in her eyes. The red-haired girl picked up the little blue haired girl on her lap and started rubbing her cheek against Konan's cheek.

" You really are the best, Konan-chan! "

As the two girls embraced, Ryuuji recorded the moment in memory of him.

" Konan-chan, do you want to dress like Kushina?

Kushina looked at Ryuuji angrily and yelled at him:

" You animal! Not even Konan-chan will escape your clutches?! "

Ryuuji let out a huff and moved quickly.

He appeared in front of Kushina and pressed his forefinger to Kushina's forehead a little harder.

" Ouch! It great villain! "

Ryuuji took Konan from Kushina's arms and hugged her.

" Don't listen to the things that crazy girl says, Konan-chan. I'll always protect you! "

Konan cocked her head to the side and spoke innocently:

" Don't worry, Ryuu-nii, I'll marry you in the future! "

Kushina stopped complaining in pain and snatched Konan from Ryuuji's arms in one swift motion as he glared at the redhead with an angry expression.

" You are a beast, Ryuuji! Not even Konan-chan could escape your clutches! I must protect her at all costs! "

A little shame appeared on Ryuuji's face. The boy looked at Konan and smiled awkwardly.

" Konan-chan, you make me very happy with your words. But promise that you won't say those things so openly before you get older, okay? "

Konan didn't quite understand what her older brother was saying, but nodded in a cute way.

Ryuuji looked at Kushina and flicked her forehead again:

" And you, you crazy girl, how can you act so outrageously when you yourself were screaming from the four corners that you were going to marry me? Is your love for me gone?! "

Kushina's cheeks turned slightly pink, but she kept up her facade and stomped the floor hard while huffing in "anger".

" Who wants to marry you, you beast?! "

Ryuuji smiled and moved too fast for Kushina and Konan to notice. The red-haired boy hugged Kushina and Konan, forming a beautiful scene of a family hug.

" You'll marry me, right? "

Kushina responded with a snort, but buried her face in Ryuuji's chest and lay there feeling her cousin's warmth.

Konan, who was still having difficulties during the conversation, spoke innocently:

" Ryuu-nii, if Kushina-nee doesn't marry you, then I will! "

Ryuuji smiled and hugged the two girls a little tighter.

Ryuuji controlled his heartbeat and body temperature, erasing his existence almost completely. The redhead boy walked slowly to the place where Mikoto and Morgiana were training.

Ryuuji controlled his breathing and kept his chakra as static as possible, making him virtually invisible to any kind of sensory ability or superhuman sense.

Ryuuji watched as Morgiana turned into a blue light and attacked Mikoto, who was pushing her Sharingan to the limit to keep up with the red haired girl's movements.

As the two just fought each other in a combat that was bordering on Kage level, Ryuuji just watched, waiting for the right moment to interfere.

Just as Morgiana was about to hit the forearm that Mikoto raised to defend herself, Ryuuji moved.

As if he were a ghost, Ryuuji appeared between the two girls and stopped their bodies from touching.

" W-What?! "

Mikoto was very surprised, because she only realized that Ryuuji was there after he touched her. Even with all of Ryuuji's speed, this is the first time she's witnessed someone without any kind of presence.

Even now, when she could clearly see that Ryuuji was in front of her, she couldn't so easily feel his presence.

As for Morgiana, she was also surprised, but she already knew what training her Young Master had been doing for the last few days.

" Have you got it, Young Master? "

Ryuuji smiled at Morgiana and lightly nodded his head.

" I achieved. By controlling my body temperature and the intensity of my heartbeat, I can subtly erase my presence. That's why I look more like a ghost than a human being now. "

Mikoto was even more surprised, but soon accepted that when it was something related to Ryuuji, she couldn't use her common sense.

" Ryuuji-kun, you really are amazing. "

Morgiana's ears twitched slightly and she looked at Mikoto.

" You finally called Ryuuji by his name. "

" It's true, Mikoto-chan. It looks like our training over the last week has brought us even closer. "

Mikoto blushed slightly, but was not intimidated and replied to Ryuuji:

" D-Don't get me wrong…I've changed the way I address you because I know Morgiana likes to be the one to call you Young Master. "

It was Morgiana's turn to get rosy-cheeked, but she also kept her ice princess look.

Ryuuji smiled at the two girls and pulled them closer to him.

" Come on, you two. Why so serious? I really don't care what you girls call me. The important thing to me is our bonds. Why don't we take a break from training and go get something to eat? "

Morgiana looked at her Young Master and Ryuuji could feel the girl's desire for meat. He smiled and started to float with the two girls in his arms.

" How about some meat? "

" Fine by me, Ryuuji-kun. But I think we should call Kushina-chan to avoid her wrath. "

" I think so too, Young Master. "

" Do you think so low of my character, girls? I already intended to call that scandalous girl. Let's take the opportunity and also call my mother, Tomiko and grandma Mito. "

The two girls nodded and held Ryuuji a little tighter. In the next moment, Ryuuji flew at a steady speed towards his house.

Upon noticing his contractor teleporting to the Hiraishin mark placed earlier, Kurowani smiled.

The little reptile moved quickly and appeared in front of Ryuuji.

" Won't you stop surprising me, Ryuuji-sama? Achieving this level of body control in just one week…is truly a divine talent. "

Ryuuji smiled at the irony of the situation. Kurowani couldn't have been more accurate in his words, because his talent is truly divine.

" So, Kurowani…what's the next step? "

" Well, Ryuuji-sama, now is the last and most difficult step. You need to learn to control every internal organ in your body, as well as any involuntary function in your body, taking bodily control to the maximum level.

When you can do this, you can completely erase your existence and become one with nature. You need to totally erase your thoughts and desires, becoming a living and non-living entity at the same time. To be honest, I haven't fully mastered this art myself yet. "

Ryuuji's eyes widened slightly, but soon a small smile appeared on his face.

" Really…things have gone to an absurd level now. But I think mastering this technique will be the price I'll pay to overcome my limits. "

Ryuuji sat back down on the edge of the magma lake and closed his eyes, slowly controlling his heart rate, blood flow and body temperature to enter a state of deep meditation.

It didn't take long for Ryuuji's presence to partially disappear as he sank deeper and deeper into a state of suspended animation.