A 2-day trip to a small town in order to probably disprove a rumor circulating around you've got to be kidding me. "Are we sure this holy relic even exists I mean people have been searching for years on end without any luck." I just voiced my thoughts I mean come on is it even worth it at this point.

"Of course, it's real Senshi, I know you aren't very bright but you have to know about the immortal fiends, don't you? I don't think even you could be ignorant enough to not know of vampires." My god did she have to be so rude I was just making a casual remark of course I knew of vampires but she had to go out of her way to insult I just can't believe her.

"I obviously I know of vampires you oaf, don't insult my intelligence, if I'm ignorant you are calling every scholar in the world ignorant!"

"Really the person who thought a horse and a dog were the same thing is calling me an oaf, and what are you doing comparing yourself to scholars you're only going to make yourself feel bad, they actually know stuff."

"HEY, first of all dogs and horses are like the same thing the horse is just bigger, secondly I made that mistake as a kid how long are you going to hold it against me, and third I know stuff too."

"You stated 3 things, 1 being a blatant lie, you clearly know nothing."

She just takes any opportunity to insult me doesn't she, I try my hardest to be nothing but kind to her, I feel like her parents need to give her a good talking.

"Come on guys stop bickering, this is going to be a long journey how about we talk about something else instead of Urana's ignorance."

HItasura Ketsu we barely knew each other and he was already calling me ignorant, he wasn't entirely wrong but shouldn't we get to know each other a bit better before he starts insulting me. Of course, Okuma was just walking silently as he always does, I still haven't forgotten that ass beating he gave me though.

"Fine fine, you do have a point Ketsu sir, it's almost nightfall should we set up camp?"

Really Aiko, you insult me yet you address Mr. Ketsu with respect, of course I address him with respect because he is an amazing swords man and I have genuine respect for him as a person, unlike Aiko im not sucking up, obviously.

"Yes lets, it is better to be safe in these lands, a monster could ambush us at any moment."

Ketsu was not wrong we were traveling to a forest who knows what's hiding in this forest what type of monsters, and even worse what type of bugs, I swear if a bug gets on me, I will get Okuma to burn this forest down.

After a while we set up our camp and lit a camp fire in order to have a nice little chat before bed, how nice.

"Our first day of our long journey has just ended how are you guys' fairing?"

Asked none other than team captain Ketsu, I mean we don't really have a team captain but, in my eyes, he is team captain.


Responded the chatter box Okuma, what was I expecting he never speaks, maybe whenever he speaks, I should try my luck it's such a rare occurrence I feel like its lucky now.

"I'm doing well Ketsu sir, we have a long journey ahead of us but I'm sure we can overcome it together"

Wow what a nice speech Aiko almost brought me to tears.

"I'm fine, what about you Ketsu how are you doing."

He was carrying this time of course I had to ask him how he was doing.

"It is just our first day of our journey so I'm doing perfectly fine, the way I'm feeling I say I can take down 100 wyverns easily."

I know that is impossible but coming from him and the pure confidence he exudes it almost makes me want to believe him.

"This is our first day sleeping outdoors, so let's get some rest everyone."

Said team captain Ketsu, God he is so reliable, I have a feeling I'm going to stay in the backlines despite wielding a sword.

"This isn't my first time doing this."

Said the chatter box Okuma he never speaks what else did you expect, WAIT WHAT. It's time how do I test my luck, dammit how unlucky I have nothing to use this lucky occasion on. Perhaps I should insult Aiko see how that goes.

"I see, you have traveled before?"

Asked captain Ketsu

"Yes, multiply times during my childhood, this is going to be a very long journey the holy relic has not been heard off for nearly 300 years, so let's get to know each other, the better we understand each other the better we will fight together.

Yes, Okuma sensei he is so wise, also 300 years has it been that long I wonder where he heard that, maybe he actually reads, no no what am I saying reading is an urban legend passed down to make kids feel bad.

"I completely agree you Okuma, but for now you guys get some rest, I'll take first watch to make sure nothing sneaks up on us, Urana you take the second post, and Okuma you take the third. Kodoku you can rest, we can take care of this."

Perhaps I was a bit rash when I called Ketsu captain, he is clearly deranged he just volunteered me and worst of all made Aiko do nothing. I get that he has to look good for the ladies but it's just Aiko he wasn't gaining much from acting so cool.

"I can also help, put me in the rotation so I can help as well."

That's the Aiko I love, yes keep asking so I get to sleep more.

"Listen Kodoku, you are our only water caster only you can heal us if any of us fall in battle. We need you to be in the best possible condition, you are irreplicable.

Man, I hate that Ketsu had a point, but come on irreplicable Aiko I feel like that compliment is lost on her.

"I agree"

Said chatter box Okuma but what did you expect he never says anything, I feel like you are breaking out of your intended character a bit much Okuma.

"Fine, I understand but don't hesitate to ask me to stay up if you guys don't feel well."

I will never forgive you Aiko; you get to rest while I watch the woods.

"Alright then it's settled, Ketsu wake me up very softly when it's my turn I am a delicate sleeper."

I really am a delicate sleeper; sleep is a sacred art that should be respected.

"Ha, I understand, alright everyone get some rest."

And with that Aiko, Okuma, and me fell asleep while Ketsu watched our back. Thus, our first day of our journey concluded pretty uneventful if you ask me but I like it that way. I hope I did not trigger a red flag with that comment.