Wealthy People Didn't Live Peacefully . A fact ?

Chu Yunxi was instantly hit with the rays of two suns, flying cars,and train pods in the sky. Numerous people walking on the ground, and some children riding on bicycles. Everything looked futuristic.

"W…ow….. I take what I said back. This doesn't look like my past world. It's entirely different. "

Chu Yunxi looked around in amazement, as she got mixed in the crowd.

She was fascinated as she watched how the flying cars moved. The people sent her odd looks, but she was the least concerned.

The air smelled fresher, like the forest. Due to the fact that there were no fumes from vehicles or factories.

" You are very good at this, captain. "

Chu Yunxi stopped in her steps , right in front of an alley. She had left the crowd looking for a library, where she could get information since the original owner didn't have a phone where she could just google it.

" It's glaring at us. Hahaha…Captain teach it a lesson. " A mocking voice said.

' It.....? I hope it's not what I am thinking. ' Chu Yunxi thought as she peeked her head into the alley.

In the alley, there were three male hockey players. The middle player was throwing his ball at a...tied up cat ….

The cat had numerous wounds on its body. Apparently, they had been bullying the cat.

" Enjoying your little game ?"

Chu Yunxi couldn't stand animal cruelty, and came out to uphold justice.

The three males stopped, and turned around to face Chu Yunxi. Because the alley was quite dark, they couldn't make out the person standing.

They walked up to Chu Yunxi, and their faces were revealed.

" Ohh…!!! Look who we have here. If it isn't the useless young miss of the Chu family. " The middle male said. He had black hair, and forest green eyes. He was handsome, and charming.

Chu Yunxi immediately knew who he was.

' Zhu Qian, the most popular, wealthy, and handsome student in the school. The heartthrob of the entire female students except me , of course . He was the most brilliant among the boys and excelled well in all sports. And the other two beside him are his lackeys. What are their names again…..

Yep ... I don't remember their names.'

In her past life, Zhu Qian was her mental stalker. He wanted to marry Chu Yunxi, and would do everything possible just to get close to her. She was every man's dream. An extremely beautiful woman, with wealth.

But it seems it isn't the norm of this world. Looks and wealth don't matter. Power does. What's the use of looks and wealth if one cannot protect themselves…?

" She can now talk?" The lackey on the right pointed out.

" She's trying to be a hero. Hahahaha….." The lackey on the left added.

" I have always wanted to see you cry, and you have just delivered yourself to me. " Zhu Qian sneered, as he smiled mockingly at her.

" Why would you want to see me cry ? Ohh…You hate how my family is superior to yours, so you just pick on the weak. ~" Chu Yunxi smirked.

The real reason why he was so obsessed with her in her past life was because of her wealth. Her looks were the second reason.

" So what ?!!! No one is here to save you. You are all alone. " Zhu Qian exclaimed in rage. His hair was disheveled, and face red.

" Enn…. You even bully animals. You are nothing but cowards. " Chu Yunxi moved closer to him, intimidating him with her build.

Her words hit the right spot. The males were now fuming in anger, and they had their hands fisted ready to bash her up.

Chu Yunxi stepped back subconsciously. Her body reacted before her brain could. Ever since that old hag had injured her, she had been wary .

This world was different from the one she came from. And she had read enough novels to prove that a punch from a person with talent regardless of the rank, can fatally injure an ordinary person.

" What is it, princess?~ Scared now?" Zhu Qian taunted.

" Ah! You might want to take that back. It's you who should be scared? " She revealed the gun she had been hiding . A dark aura loomed behind her, as she stepped forward.

She wasn't the meek, easy to bully girl anymore. Her eyes were slitted like a serpent's. The males were scared , as shivers ran down their spines.

" You.....How…" Zhu Qian stuttered, fear evident in his eyes . They were scared shitless.

" My family creations are top notch. Wanna try ? " Chu Yunxi pointed the gun towards them , ready to shoot. The gun was black, and inscribed on it was her family name in silver.

The males didn't think twice before running out of the alley with their tails between their legs.

" Tch! Cowards. Luckily , I had the idea to bring this gun out. " She twirled it around her fingers , smiling brightly.

It wasn't that she couldn't fight back, No. She had trained in fencing, and self defense when she was almost killed at age seven. She was kidnapped for a huge ransom, which her parents paid and collected back after the police found her. There had been so many situations like that, and being the only child of her parents was their motivation. Wealthy people didn't live peacefully. She didn't want to experience the pain she went through not quite long.

" Okay! All done. "

Chu Yunxi dropped the rope on the floor after untying the cat .

She bent down on her knees, and picked the cat up. Since she had the cat on closer inspection, she realized something big. The animal in her arms wasn't a cat!!!

The animal had three eyes, and there was a kind of blue gem encrusted in its chest. By the time Chu Yunxi could react, her blood had dripped on it.

" Damn it!!!" The handkerchief was soaked with blood.

While she was trying to redress it, the blue gem started shining.

The glow became bright, and that caught her attention. She stared at the glowing gem , and couldn't take her eyes off. It was like the gem was a magnet, and her eyes were metal.

Soon her vision turned white, and she blackened out.