A Coincidence?

Yunxi descended down the stairs, clad in black pants, and a baggy hoodie, whose height reached her laps. Her hair was packed in a high ponytail, her beautiful neck lay bare. Complementing her dressing with a pair of knee high boots.

Beside her was Xia , fur so white like snow, silver piercing eyes like that of the Ice Fairy.

The air around the both of them was calm, making one's mind be at rest immediately they glimpsed at them. They looked so perfect together.

Yunxi took a chair at the dining table, while Xia climbed onto the table. Before the female butler had left, Yunxi had asked her to prepare another dish for Yunxi. The meal was simple.

Taking moderate bites at a time, Yunxi looked around the empty room. Voices resonated in her head. She could still see her parents and sister sitting here dining with her , talking and smiling, creating a harmonious atmosphere.

" Miss…"

Yunxi snapped out of her moment, and looked at the now empty plates. One of the maids was standing near her, intent to take the used plates. And Xia was giving her a worried look.

' What…?'

How she had grown into a healthy beautiful woman was a mystery to her. There were no plants, since they had mutated. Then how in the world were they able to feed the population?!

The Sun had disappeared at the beginning of the Apocalypse. When they founded this settlement, they created an artificial Sun , and Moon. The plants need solar energy and so do the humans and animals. So, every plant here was artificial.

The taste was that of a natural plant. Did my mother plant in the dungeons or scourge the dungeon? And maybe kept it in her inventory or used her ability to preserve them?

Yunxi couldn't ponder on what she didn't have the answer for. She let go of the plate, and the maid cleared the table.

" Who were the ones that launched the attack?"

" I don't have any idea. " The female butler gave a simple answer.

Yunxi rested her back completely, and sighed.

" Tell me everything. "

The female butler nodded and started talking.

" It has actually been eight months since you left. During the fifth month, some black clothed people easily entered the base, while the masters were on their way back from the monthly meeting with the high ranking officials.

-The people wore black cloaks and their faces were hidden. They directly attacked your parents, with no intention of killing. No one from the base interfered, and watched from the sidelines.

-Because of their numbers and strengths, they overpowered the masters and took them away. "

Yunxi eyes and expression were as always…indifferent. She looked up at the beautiful female butler standing beside her.

" When all that happened….You weren't there. "

" Yes. The master installed a camera inside my eyes that allows me to see what she sees. " The female butler replied.

"Can I see it ?"

The female butler lifted her head up from its bowing position. One of her brown eyes made a clicking sound, and an image was projected.

Soon , the battle that took place started playing, and Yunxi watched it patiently.

( That …they are so powerful!) Xia's face was pale from fright.

Yunxi nodded in agreement. The black cloaked people were way more powerful than her parents and sister. They probably had a talent higher than SSS-RANK. Even she can't land a hit on them.

" That's everything." The female butler's eye clicked back, and the scene stopped showing.

" Hm." Yunxi gave her a nod of acknowledgement. Her fingers tapped the table lightly, her eyes focused. She was thinking.

" There's a rat."

" Miss?" The female butler and Xia were confused.

Yunxi stopped her fingers, and looked up at Xia and the female butler, looking back at her with expectant looks.

" When they breached the barrier, no one knew, which is impossible. The barrier would alert people, and they would all be prepared.

-The attack happened when my family left the house, since they rarely do. Is it a coincidence?"

" Does the Miss mean…?"

" Yes. Someone or Some people had sold out the information to the black cloaked people. Who were they ? And what they want is my concern. Why did they take my parents?" Yunxi stood up from her seat, the chair making no sound as she pulled it back. Xia was quick to jump down, landing on her paws softly.

( Where are we going?)

" To my parents, study. We might find a clue. "

They both walked forward, going down the dark hallways. Yunxi's boots making soft taps on the marbled floor. She walked past different doors before stopping Infront of the last door in the hallway.

The door was made of mahogany wood, and gave off a refreshing smell. Yunxi pushed it open, eliciting no sounds at all.

Great! Her parents were way too rich! And she was proud of that. The Study was like a mini library. Shelves stacked with books stood on opposite sides of the room. At the center was a circular marble table, surrounded with four chairs. On it were three papers stacked together.

Yunxi took her seat at the table and leafed through it. Xia as usual was sitting her butt on the table waiting for Yunxi to spill the news for her.

" Ah! As I expected, there are other humanoid races apart from us. And they are usually more powerful than humans of the same rank. Their attributes were annoyingly high. My parents and sister had encountered one , which from their drawing and description is an Orc. They must have offered something to someone or some people here who were greedy. But from the fight, I can conclude that they weren't Orcs. They were highly intelligent beings. "

( Okay! So what are we going to do now ?) Xia was excited. She knew that look in Yunxi's eyes. It was the look of a heightened fighting will. She had developed it when she killed the Alpha wolf. Her body was unconsciously releasing a murderous aura, but it wasn't concentrated.

" We are leaving."

' System! Can this mansion enter my inventory?'

{ When you do away with the valuables in it …. Yes!}

' Okay. Bring up my status!'


A/N : Make it rain with power stones, chapter comments, paragraph comments, and reviews to get more chapters. This does fuel my strength, so I won't passionately write this without support. Show some love, and I would return the sentiment. Thanks.🤗

Hope to see moving reviews, votes, and comments. It would do well to lift my spirits up . And maybe I might feel so happy that I would add two more chapters as a ' THANK YOU' to everyone who supported me. 😉