Force Of Attraction

Nalan was sitting on a white two seater sofa, with her back to the hallway. Her eyes were shifting everywhere, and her fingers were busy smoothening her well pressed black jeans. It could be seen from her appearance and actions that she was really…nervous.

Yunxi walked into the reception. Yeah, they had a reception where they attended to their visitors. It's just a room coloured white, and decorated with a high armchair, a small circular glass center table, and two two seater sofas. The room was pristine white, one would think it had another use except for accepting visitors.

" *Cough*...." Yunxi cleared her throat slightly, to make her presence known.

Nalan instantly turned around, and Yunxi was afraid she would have a whiplash. But anyway, she wasn't, if she wanted to. Because Nalan was awakened, stronger than a human.

" Yunxi…I am sorry for disturbing you this late ." Nalan said nervously. She had her fingers locked together, as she looked everywhere except for Yunxi's face.

" Yeah…I would like to know why you are here at this hour. " Yunxi said with a soft voice, as she made her way to the high armchair.

She looked up to see Nalan still standing, after she had taken her seat.

" Miss Nalan, would you mind taking your seat? I don't bite. "

Nalan nodded her head, and sat down.

Just then, a maid came in and placed a tray of tea pot and two tea cups with a plate of cookies. She placed a cup in front of Yunxi, and the other cup and plate of cookies Infront of Nalan. With that done, she took the tray and exited the room.

" Miss Nalan, I am all ears. " Yunxi said while petting Xia in her arms.

" Erm…I …want to follow you. I know you are leaving tonight. "

Yunxi raised her head up immediately. Normally, she was supposed to have a shocked expression on , but as always it was indifferent. She was a master at masking her expression.

Years of being in the business world filled with wolves and foxes, had made her who she is today.

". ..Don't get me wrong. I just had an inkling that you would, that's why I came here. " Nalan quickly said after seeing Yunxi's look.

" Every Time you have an inkling…it comes to pass?" Yunxi crossed her legs and rested her back fully. She had thought it would only take a few minutes, but reality was cruel.

" Yes. " Nalan said. She brought out Yunxi's dagger from thin air, and placed it on the table beside Yunxi's tea cup.

" And that's how I know this belongs to you. "

Yunxi raised an eyebrow at her action, and resumed petting Xia.

" My answer is ….No. You can't follow me. "

Nalan's hand that was about to put a cookie in her mouth stopped in mid air. She turned her neck around to face Yunxi like that of a robot. If she had been one, one would hear the sounds made when the mentals around the neck made contact.

" Is it because you think I am weak? Although my talent appears to be weak, it isn't. I have another high talent. And..I can carry my own load and protect myself. Please! Let me go with you. " Her blue eyes sparkled with unshed tears, as she begged Yunxi. If it were any other person, they would have instantly agreed. But Yunxi wasn't any other person.

Yunxi was unmoved by her display, and even chuckled slightly at the face Nalan was making.

" What you are saying might be true, but I believe it's true. Why I won't allow you to follow me is because you aren't telling me the whole truth. I won't let someone who isn't fully loyal to me to be by my side. "

Nalan's expression changed instantly, she was beyond shocked. Her mouth was agape.

" You…" She couldn't make a sentence.

' When did she become so powerful with words and very good at reading people?! The Chu's are really weird.' Nalan thought as she downed her cup of tea in one go. The plate of cookies was empty as well.

She wiped her lips clean with her hands, not very ladylike, despite the fact that she was brought up in a rich household.

" Ah…! I would be honest. It's because I want to repay you. "

" Why ?"

" Because you saved my life. If it weren't for you back there, I would be with my parents now. Since you saved me , my life is now yours. And they don't want me here anymore, since I didn't awaken a powerful talent. "

Nalan looked up to see Yunxi staring back at her . Seeing her expression, Nalan took it as her cue to continue. She had a feeling that was the meaning of Yunxi's stare, and as always she followed her instincts.

" I want to become strong, and I can only do it with you by my side. There's this force of attraction I feel between us-"

" What force of attraction?" Yunxi didn't let her finish as she butted in.

" I don't know how to explain the feeling. But I know, I am meant to be by your side. And I am going to be a very powerful and reliable partner, I promise. " She had a wide smile on her face which was dazzling and contagious, but as always, Yunxi was unfazed.

She just looked at Nalan. Her stare was hot and probing like she was trying to see through her.

Ding !

[ Name : Nalan ]

[ Race : Homosapiens]

[ Age: 17 years old ]

[ Level: 9]

[ Exp(next level) : 11%]

[ Class: Healer]

[ Talent: C-Rank ( Self Cloning) , S-Rank ( Mystic Healer) ]

[ Strength: 35]

[ Dexterity: 12]

[ Agility: )15]

[ Intelligence: 45]

[ Vitality: 100/100]

[Defense : 9]

[ Willpower: 54]

[ Endurance:59]

[ Luck:17]

[ Free Ap(Attributes Points): 54]

[Adaptability ( Mana usage) : 100]

[ Health Points( HP): 400/400]

[ Mana Points(Mp): 300/300]

[ Familiar]


[ Skills

Charm ( level 2) : Make any creature charmed by your beauty.

Effect: Works for three minutes, on any creature regardless of its level.]

[ Inventory]

[ Equipment]

' Wow! Her attributes are cool. And that skill and strength is definitely a die for. Pity, I can't have it. '

Yunxi stood up with Xia in her arms.

" Okay. You are my partner from now on. Nothing can tear us apart. You can choose to back out now, I would give you five minutes to think about it. "

With that said she walked out of the room, after picking her dagger, leaving Nalan to her thoughts.