I Would Stay By Your Side Forever

Yunxi was standing in the middle of a brightly lit hallway. The white walls were decorated with pictures of her family. It was a family tree, from the first generation to the current one.

It depicted the early years of each of the family members. From toddlers to adults. But her mother's own started from when she got married to father. Well…it seems all those who were married into the family, didn't have their childhood pictures pasted.

Before the apocalypse, her father was a robotic engineer. And so was her mother. Probably that's how they met.

A member of Chu Family must be able to create weapons. Funny enough, her father was given the Alchemist talent, instead of a blacksmith. But anyway, what has happened has happened. There's no way one can turn back the hands of the clock.

Her mother was an orphan, but not really. She was abandoned by her parents, and placed at the doorstep of the orphanage home. She wasn't adopted till she became an adult capable of caring for herself. Why she wasn't adopted? She literally didn't want to , and used different tricks to send people away. She didn't want to be tied down. She wanted to be independent, and free.

Freedom is power! To live a life untamed and unafraid, most people wish for that to happen, but as always Fate was cruel.

Luckily, she was a mad genius. Taking three courses at a time. Robotic engineer, a full-stack developer, and a General practioner in the field of Medicine. She was one in a million. Any other was a counterfeit. Maybe that was what really attracted her father.

Come to think of it, her father wasn't any less. He was also a genius. Not only was he a robotic engineer, he was also a business prodigy. Had to be to lead the family's numerous business.

Her father's graduation picture was taken together with her mother. Their marriage…when she had her elder sister…growing up….and then her. They had taken every picture of their early years. When they both had their first walk, their first word, their first birthdays…

It's apparent that her parents cherished and loved them. Come to think of it , She was already sixteen. Normally, her parents would throw her a family party. And shower her with delicacies. It's quite astonishing that her parents could lay their hands on Ingredients deemed extremely rare , because of the apocalypse. Then at night, they would present their gifts to her. But…that couldn't happen this year…

" Miss…". The female Butler called out hesitantly. She was standing behind Yunxi for awhile, and didn't want to disturb her . But she couldn't hold in what she wanted to say anylonger.

" They can't celebrate my birthday with me this year. " Yunxi controlled her emotions from going haywire, and tried to keep her indifferent face from crumbling. She couldn't appear weak. That wouldn't bring back her family.

" Miss, Some people you love while they are there, and some people you love forever, whether they are there or not. " Clara said in a comforting voice. Although it was hard to see through Yunxi's indifferent face, Clara could still pick up the hints of pain in her words. And that was due to the fifty years she had stayed in the Chu Family.

During the apocalypse, people stopped aging. One of its advantages?

Clara had watched Yunxi grow into the woman she was today. Despite the fact that her soul was split, and she always kept quiet, her love for her family was unconditional. She just didn't know how to express it then, but now she does.

" I know. They aren't here physically, but they will always be here. " She said, touching her beating heart with a smile on her face.

Seeing her change of emotion, Clara smiled. An average sized wooden box appeared in her hand. And there was a letter on it.

" This…" Yunxi looked at the box Clara presented her. Like a pull, she went for the letter and opened it.

The letter read:

-As you grow up , make sure you have more dreams than memories, more opportunities than chances, more hardwork than luck and more trustworthy friends than acquaintances. May you have the very best in life. From your parents and sister,

Happy Birthday! -

Yunxi stared at the familiar handwriting with a smile. It was her Mom who wrote it. She neatly folded the paper and kept it in her inventory.

She opened the box to find two twin shotguns, coaxing her to own them. And she didn't disappoint them. She picked them up from the box, each in one hand.

Far lighter than most shotguns. The twin shotguns feature a 55-inch barrel and weigh just over five pounds unloaded. Her name was engraved on its black finishing steel barrel. The striking aesthetics created by the engraving, made Yunxi slowly caress it with care. The front was coloured white, giving off a luminous sight.

Reluctantly, she placed them back in the box and closed it.

" Miss…" Clara asked with a confused look on. She was baffled by the fact that Yunxi returned it back into the box.

Yunxi didn't clarify whatever was going on in the butler's mind. She collected the box, and it disappeared into her space ring.

" We are leaving."

Clara stepped back, as Yunxi walked forward, walking out of the hallway.

" Miss, this place, although not safe, is better than leaving into the hellhole. "

" Well…I would be better off in the hellhole. They are wolves after my family's properties, and they would oppress me to do their bidding. I won't leave any of you. You are all coming with me. "

It wasn't an option. It was a decided decision, where there was no going back. Clara wanted to refute,but hearing her mistress' words, she held back her tongue.

Yunxi walked back into the room where Nalan was. Hearing her footsteps, Nalan stood up straight.

" I have made my decision. I am ready to stay beside you forever. "