Ms. Cheng Defeated???

Passing through houses at top speed, they were able to arrive at the edge of the barrier. As lucky as they were, the person guarding the edge they got to was none other than Cheng Rouyu.

" Gosh! She isn't someone we can deal with. " Nalan muttered quietly.

They were crouching down near a giant rock , and watching the people guarding the barrier. And it just so happens that the part of the barrier they arrived at was guarded by Cheng Rouyu.

" She is the only one we can deal with."

Nalan turned to face Yunxi with a questioning look.

" What do you mean by that ? She is the youngest , powerful awakened. We can't take her on. "

Yunxi raised an eyebrow at Nalan's statement. She sighed heavily as she rubbed her forehead. It was hard work to communicate with someone whose IQ wasn't on the same level as hers.

" The barrier is very weak. Only the strongest of the awakened are guarding the barrier. And she is the weakest among them. The others aren't ones we can fight with. "

" That's true." Nalan nodded in agreement.

" So…what are we going to do ? We can't just walk out, and she would just let us go. "

Yunxi looked back at Cheng Rouyu, who was guarding the barrier with a serious look.

( Yeah…what are you going to do ? You can take her on. You are both on the same level. ) Xia asked Yunxi.

" I have a score to settle with her, but I can't do that right now. Our fighting would attract the beast and the other awakened."

( Then…)

" I am going to go out now, and face her. You leave when I give you the signal."

" What…?!" Nalan muttered a bit loud. She was about to retort when Yunxi stood up and came out behind the rock.

She walked forward, and Nalan was about to run out and stop her , but something held her back. She knew something was holding her , but she couldn't see it.

Yunxi walked forward, her footsteps light, in order not to alert Cheng Rouyu. She was a few feet away from her , when Cheng Rouyu suddenly turned, and faced her .

" I have been waiting for you. " She said with a smile adorning her face.

Yunxi stopped in her tracks, and looked up at Cheng Rouyu indifferently.

" Although the Chu blood runs through your veins, you are nothing like them. You practically just walked straight into the trap I had prepared for you. " She continued on.

Yunxi silently listened to her ramble on her bitter encounters with her elder sister. Cheng Rouyu was jealous of her sister, and it was something Yunxi was very well going to use against her. When facing an opponent, one doesn't let their weaknesses be noticeable.

" You can never be superior to my sister. " Yunxi said coldly.

That statement silenced Cheng Rouyu immediately. Her hands curled into fists by her side, showing how much anger was consuming her from the inside.

Yunxi had deliberately made herself appear as a fool towards Cheng Rouyu and the others, so that they could let their guard down.

How could they let her be by herself, after the disappearance of her family? They had their eyes on her , since they wanted her properties.

She knew from onset that she wasn't going to be let out of their sight. Seeing that Cheng Rouyu was alone guarding this side of the barrier, she knew that something was up.

If there were more than two monsters or beasts that invaded the barrier, there was no way Cheng Rouyu could handle them all on her own.

" What…?" Cheng Rouyu stammered, as she took a step back due to the change of Yunxi's temperament.

Yunxi had let out her aura a little bit, which made Cheng Rouyu stagger back in fear.

Coupled with Cheng Rouyu's disorientation, Yunxi activated her 'Stun' Skill. Cheng Rouyu was frozen and couldn't move. Even her eyes weren't blinking.

Yunxi raised her hand up , and beckoned Nalan to move forward. The same force that had stopped Nalan from going, pulled her forward.

After Nalan had walked a few feet away from where Cheng Rouyu stood, Yunxi followed behind her.

Yunxi walked up to Cheng Rouyu and whispered in her ear,

" The antidote….."

Cheng Rouyu was shaking badly, after Yunxi left her with a whisper. The whisper that sounded like the devil's voice. She couldn't take it anymore, and dropped to her knees.

Her hands were shaking terribly and her eyes pooled from unshed tears. Any man who sees her in such a state , would be tempted to do things to her.

A mature well endowed fierce woman on her knees in a submissive position, was an enticing sight.

Few minutes after Yunxi and Nalan exited the barrier, the other awakened arrived.

" What happened…?" One of the female soldiers that had been beside Cheng Rouyu hours ago asked.

" She escaped. " The sly old man asked the slumped Cheng Rouyu , who only answered with a nod.

" That's impossible. She is weak. "

" There's no way she could have overpowered Ms.Cheng. "

" How..? Is she …? "

Murmurs resonated from the other awakened. They couldn't believe what they were seeing. Ms.Cheng…defeated by a student? !

" How ?" The sly man asked. He was now crouching in front of Cheng Rouyu, with his hand on her face. Their eyes were linked.

" An…tidote…." She answered softly.

The man sighed in defeat, and gestured for the other female awakened to escort Cheng Rouyu away.

After she had left, he looked at the barrier for a minute, before turning around to leave.

" Won't we go after her ?" Somebody asked.

The others turned their faces to look at the idiot, who spoke. Go out? Were they tired of living?! Due to the fact that the person who spoke was short in stature, they weren't able to root them out.

Seeing that there was nothing else to do, they all departed.

A/N:.... I am deeply sorry for the late upload of chapters, and I am pretty sure you guys are pretty vexed because of my ways.

But you know, it's not easy to catch up with over some books.🙏 I am trying my best to write with the little time I have. Haven't you ever heard how someone goes about shagging after a passion ?

But with hope, passion and patience I try all my possible best to keep up. Please, send wonderful, pulchritudinous and amazing and don't forget to send power stones, votes and reviews.🤗😁

THANK YOU!!!!!!!