Goblin Settlement ( Part I)


A/N : I am so sorry guys, for the late updates. The truth is that I am actually occupied at this moment and also participating in the Webnovel Spirity Awards ( WSA) . The novel is titled, " Magic High: School For Virtuous And Evil''. Please guys, I need all the support I can get. And you are the only ones I could turn to. I would really appreciate every support and encouragement from you all.

Nevertheless, the updates of this novel won't stop. Coincidentally, it would be updated every week. The number of chapters isn't fixed. So…You all should please support me😭😭😭 . Your encouragement means so much to me🙏


" This…Something isn't right. "

Nalan bent down to examine the mark she had left on the caked ground, a large letter X.

" It seems that we have been moving in circles. "

Yunxi looked around their surroundings, which was deserted. She also knew that something wasn't right. They should have already encountered a beast or monster, but it was just land.

" An illusion…"

Nalan quickly equipped her weapon, after hearing what Yunxi said.

" You mean…"

" Yes. We have been walking in an illusion set by a Goblin shaman. "

Yunxi already knew that they would encounter the Goblins sooner or later, but not this early. According to her parents' reports, they had to deal with a lot of monsters and beasts before getting to the Goblin settlement. When did they occupy this area?!

" Gob…lin.., then we aren't talking about ten of them , right?" Nalan asked with a trembling voice..

" Yes. "

Goblins were much in numbers. Their reproduction state is high, and that's what makes them strong. It might not be easy for one , who has never fought with them before, to overwhelm them. They are intelligent creatures and strategic in mind.

' An illusion of this caliber….one that I wasn't able to detect quickly….the Goblin level must be higher than my own. ' Yunxi thought as she looked around hoping to see something odd.

" Get ready , Nalan. Once I destroy this illusion, you must be ready to fight. "

Hearing no reply, Yunxi turned to face a pale face, and a trembling Nalan.

" Hey!" Yunxi held her shoulders and shouted in her face to get her attention. Nalan's unfocused eyes gained clarity.

" Instead of twitching like this, In front of the enemy, slaughter one hundred. They wouldn't hesitate to kill you, if you show your weakness. " Yunxi lectured her softly. She knew why she was scared. Goblins…aren't the monsters people want to fight with…. especially females.

Nalan took a deep breath, her hands no longer trembled, and her face was once again rosy.

" Okay . I am ready. "

Yunxi nodded in satisfaction. Nalan did make a good teammate. If it was another person they would have fainted in fright or otherwise ran away.

With enhanced vision, Yunxi found a distortion in the surroundings. It was the weak point of the illusion. If she didn't have Enhanced Vision, they would have to wait until the enemy attacked.

One of her twin daggers appeared in her hand , and she flung it at the distorted space. Like a shattered glass, the surroundings crumbled, and they could now see who and what was the enemy behind their entrapment.

Five Goblins. One hobgoblin, and four normal Goblins.

Yunxi looked around and found out that they were still in the open but afar she could see stone huts. They were far away from the Goblin settlement, which made her sigh in relief. What they needed was to kill these five without alerting the others.

Seeing the invaders, the monsters immediately tried to eliminate them. The Goblin shaman pointed its staff at them , and chanted a few demonic words.

Yunxi appeared Infront of Nalan, blocking her from the attack. Her action was like a knight saving a damsel in distress. Behind her Nalan, blushed brightly. However, it was a diversion that Yunxi did not see her.

Slowly the surroundings started becoming colder, as a thin ice-like needle formed in front of Yunxi. Like a silent arrow it moved forward swiftly and went through the Goblin Shaman's head. The Shaman went down, dead.

Yunxi took a deep breath, afterwards. She had almost exhausted her Mana to create that attack. The reason why she stood in front of Nalan was because of the nature of the Goblin Shaman's magic, and also to test her ice magic.

The Goblin Shaman, is a magic user who casts illusions. Generally, considered weak with no real damage output. But could deal real damage. They were more inclined to psychics.

" Nalan, take out the hobgoblin. "

Without any other words, Yunxi brandished her twin daggers and dashed forward.

Seeing their own kind down , and Yunxi trying to kill them also, the other Goblins shrieked in anger.

" Gokikh!!!" They moved forward without hesitating to combat their enemy.

The other three Goblins were an assassin and …two swordsmen.

The two Goblins charged forward with their crude but well sharpened sword pointed at Yunxi. In close proximity, Yunxi levitated off the ground, making them stab the air. With a backflip, she plunged her daggers into their skulls, and landed on the ground behind them , elegantly.

The Goblins dropped down dead. The battle was too easy. Yunxi flexed her daggers, getting rid of the brain matter that clung to them.

Just then, the assassin Goblin stepped out of the darkness, and the dagger in its hands stabbed towards Yunxi's back.


Its dagger met with something, but it wasn't Yunxi. Suddenly, its jugular vein was cut into two . The Goblin dropped its dagger, and tried to desperately stop its blood from flowing, but in vain. The cut was too deep, that it affected its lungs, and it couldn't cry out. After a minute of struggle, it dropped to the ground, dead.

Meanwhile, Nalan was fighting with the hobgoblin, barefisted. Among the Goblins, in terms of strength, the hobgoblin reigned superior.

The Hobgoblin had green skin like the other Goblins, but it was a bit taller and more muscular. It smashed its battle club towards Nalan, who met it with her fist. Like a crumbled biscuit, the club disintegrated.

The Hobgoblin was surprised,its eyes opened wide to the size of saucers,and looked at the club that had accompanied it for a while, turned into pieces. The moment of surprise was an advantage to Nalan. Without a moment to spare, she directed her fist towards its chest. As her fist was about to land, a dagger appeared, and went straight into the Hobgoblin heart with force.

" Gokeh!!!!" The Hobgoblin shrieked out like a banshee in her period.


Its head head left its neck, and the voice died down never to be heard again. Nalan looked up to see Yunxi sheating her sword back. Only the sharp glint was what she could see.

" Let's go. " She turned around and left.

Nalan wasted no second, and followed behind her. The Goblin Shaman's staff was the only thing Yunxi had taken. She wasn't the least interested in extracting the goblins. They were too weak. And moreover, she might just get their unbreakable sexual stamina which she wasn't interested in.

There was something more concerning to her. The Goblins they had fought were too weak for her, but the illusion the Goblin Shaman casted was very powerful. How could it have that kind of skill? Is there something she didn't know about?