Optional Quest???


[ Optional Quest : Team up with Nalan, and find the root of the sudden increase in the strength of the Goblins.

-Reward 1: 50 attribute points

-Reward 2: 5000 gold coins

-Reward 3: low grade silver box ×2 ]

Yunxi almost wanted to rub her eyes to make sure she wasn't hallucinating. These rewards were really tempting, but she felt like the hardest part wouldn't be finding the cause of increase in strength, but rather convincing Nalan to come with her.

Although the Quest was optional, its description says otherwise. There was no way they would be able to complete the quest if they did not fight the goblins.

Firstly, the Goblin population was always ridiculously high, considering how wide their settlement is.

Secondly, they were females. Two beautiful, and well endowed females. Immediately the goblins sighted them , they would be made into breeding tools.

Finally, this was the death zone. And it was named that for a reason. Every beast and monster here were savages. One wouldn't know how they died. It was worse than a dungeon.

In a dungeon you could hide around, until your strength is enough to defeat your enemy. But here, in the death zone, danger is in every nook and cranny. Even the air is toxic to inhale.

Yunxi turned to face Nalan, who was standing beside her. The look on her face was enough for Yunxi to know that she had also received the same notification.

" I…" Nalan bit her lips, and scrunched her face . She was clearly against the idea.

" You don't need to if you are unwilling."

" No! " Nalan quickly responded. She looked into Yunxi's eyes, and said every word from the bottom of her heart!

" I would go with you. This is just the beginning. There are more horrifying monsters than Goblins. To become strong, I would have to overcome my fears. "

It was a heartfelt statement. The apocalypse really has its advantages. Thanks to it, spoiled and pampered brats had to become responsible and mature.

Yunxi smirked, and said, " Then … don't die early." Before turning to face the Goblin settlement.

The Quest wasn't that simple. It would be at the level of an A-rank mission. Although this was a Goblin settlement, there was a final boss. One whose power shouldn't be trifled with, concerning how strong the spells and strength of his guards were.

The System was behaving more and more like a sentient being. Optional Quest??? It was a compulsory one. There was no other way , they could bypass the Goblin settlement without alerting them. The maze illusion they encountered was just the first barrier. What about the others to come?!



[ Name : Chu Yunxi]

[ Race : Homosapiens]

[ Age: 16 years old ]

[ Level: 34]

[ Exp(next level) : 26%]

[ Class: Swords woman]

[ Talent: SSS-Rank (Endless Extraction),S-Rank(Alchemist),S-Rank(Ice Mage ) , C-Rank ( Poison resistant), E-Rank (Super Strength), E-Rank (Enhanced Vision), F- Rank (Earth bending), D- Rank (Telekinesis), F- Rank (Archery), F- Rank ( Writing) , E- Rank ( Painting) ]

[ Strength: 58]

[ Dexterity: 55]

[ Agility: 162]

[ Intelligence: 99]

[ Vitality: 130/130]

[Defense : 45]

[ Willpower: 68]

[ Endurance:70]

[ Luck:95]

[ Free Ap(Attributes Points): 205]

[Adaptability ( Mana usage) : 200]

[ Health Points( HP): 1200/1200]

[ Mana Points(Mp): 700/700]

[ Familiar

Unknown: Host authority isn't high.]


Optional Quest ( Pending)

Team up with Nalan, and find the root of the sudden increase in the strength of the Goblins.

-Reward 1: 50 attribute points

-Reward 2: 5000 gold coins

-Reward 3: low grade silver box ×2 ]

[ Skills

Appraisal (Active)

Sword Mastery (Level 12): Ability to utilize the sword like a limb of the body.

Shadow steps (Level 8) : The technique where one moves silently, and won't be noticed.

Rhythm Echo ( level 4): A technique that utilizes shadow steps. One moves at a certain rhythm, creating afterimages.

Levitation (level 1.5): Lift off the ground by 50m high.

Claw ( level 1): Turn your nails as sharp as the claws of an animal.

Stun (level 5): A set target gets stunned, and wouldn't be able to move.

Bite ( level 2 ) : Teeth get sharper and stronger. Can be used as a weapon.

Dense Fog ( level 1) : Poisoned Fog obstructs sights, and the poison present in it could deal real damage according to its level.

Effect: An Area of effect skill( AOE) that can make level 1-5 , blind.

Bluff ( level 1) : +10 increase to all stats for twenty seconds.

Combat Perception ( level 2) : The power to understand how others think and fight. ]

[ Spells

Ice Needle: Concentrate Mana into forming a condensed needle. Although small it has a destructive power behind it. Mp: 150]

[ Inventory : The Chu's Family property]

[ Equipment

( Shadow Sword

Rank: A (Evolvable)

Description: A sword forged by a skilled Alchemist. A sword that is as fast as a shadow. A skilled user can bring out its full potential. Deals 100% damage to a target below its rank. )

( Father's Locket

Rank: S( Evolvable)

Description: An artifact forged by a skilled Alchemist. It is a device that conceals one's power, and also acts as a defensive and offensive mechanism when host in danger. )

( Spatial Ring

Rank: A

Man Eating Rabbits Meat × 125

Man Eating Rabbits hide × 50

Man Eating Rabbits fur × 7

Man Eating Rabbits bones × 25

Man Eating Rabbits blood × 27

Man Eating Rabbits Claws × 89

Man Eating Rabbit Queen's Core × 1

Man Eating Rabbit Queen's Eyes × 1

Wolf Fangs × 163

Wolf hide × 57

Wolf Meat × 31

Wolf Cores × 32

Wolf Claws × 620]

' Hmm…as expected. Fighting with monsters and beasts below my level wouldn't give much Exp. But nonetheless, the plus one strength is something.

I have enough free attribute points to allocate, but that's not necessary right now. I need a complete report of my opponents before I know what to do next.

Ah…let's check the others' Status.'

' Appraise!'

Ding !

[Name : Xia ]

[ Race:??? ]

[ Age: 8 months , four days old]

[ Level :29]

[ Exp(next level) : 58%]

[ Class: ??????????]

[ Talent: ??????????]

[ Strength: 75]

[ Agility: 87]

[ Intelligence: 43]

[ Vitality: ♾️]

[Defense : 20]

[ Willpower: 69]

[ Endurance:123]

[ Luck:20]

[ Free Ap(Attributes Points): 30]

[Adaptability ( Mana usage) : 300]

[ Health Points( HP): 2000/2000]

[ Mana: ♾️]

[ Skills:??????

Killer Claws (level 12) : ?????

Bite (level 10) ]

' What…?! We had been in the death zone for four days?! That's…'

" Xia allocate your free attribute points. We would need your innate ability."

( Alright…..done! What do you want me to do?)

" We are close to settlement. I would need you to scout the area for us . "

( Okay!)

And off she went! Yunxi was surprised that she didn't complain. Increase in intelligence seems to be coming into play.

After Xia set off, Yunxi used appraisal on Nalan, who was arming her body with weapons.

Ding !

[ Name : Nalan ]

[ Race : Homosapiens]

[ Age: 17 years old ]

[ Level: 12]

[ Exp(next level) : 37%]

[ Class: Healer]

[ Talent: C-Rank ( Self Cloning) , S-Rank ( Mystic Healer) ]

[ Strength: 46]

[ Dexterity: 12]

[ Agility: 15]

[ Intelligence: 45]

[ Vitality: 300/300]

[Defense : 27]

[ Willpower: 65]

[ Endurance:64]

[ Luck:19]

[ Free Ap(Attributes Points): 60]

[Adaptability ( Mana usage) : 150]

[ Health Points( HP): 450/450]

[ Mana Points(Mp): 500/500]

[ Familiar]


[ Skills

Charm ( level 2) : Make any creature charmed by your beauty.

Effect: Works for three minutes, on any creature regardless of its level.]

[ Spells

Self Healing: Able to Heal oneself with Mana. Cost 20 Mp every minute.]

[ Inventory]

[ Equipment

Day and Night: Two short swords made of unique materials. Light, Finesse. Gain+10 bonus to all attack and damage rolls.

Properties: ( require attunement)]

' Wow! Her Mana and Health points… How ? And those short swords?' Yunxi thought as she watched Nalan gear up.

She rubbed her Chin as she thought,

' Hmm…it seems continuously using her Mana to heal herself increased the amount of Mana points. She has been repeatedly injured, causing her health point to increase.'

Ever since they left the Safe Zone , Nalan had been injured. The air was toxic, but it didn't affect Yunxi because she was resistant to poison. But it was a different case for Nalan.

' How could I have been careless?! I should have monitored her closely! '

Yunxi hated this feeling. The feeling of incompetence. She had called Nalan her partner, but she couldn't even protect her.

" Nalan… the air?"

Nalan paused her movement and looked up to see the worry in Yunxi's eyes.

" It's alright. I already told you that I wouldn't be a burden to you. " She said with a smile.

Seeing her smile somehow made Yunxi relieved.

" Okay. We will be going soon. Allocate your points to the stats that would benefit you. "

" Okay." Nalan quickly did as she was told. Her attitude had changed…?


A/N: I would like to thank you all for giving my book a chance. I am an amateur writer, but I would try my best to write up to your expectations 🤗

I would love it if you guys vote or comment. But if you don't like my writing style or the novel itself, just silently leave. Please don't be mean. It kind of break off my motivation to write 🙏