The Village ( Part I)

Yunxi looked at the heap of things belonging to Nalan with her impassive gaze. There was a wooden staff with a green gem embedded in it.


[Item Information]

Item : Staff of the Old Oak

Rank: B

Availability: Uncommon

Restrictions : Mage , connected to healing

Damage: -25points of Vitality, + 2 bludgeoning

Description: A staff forged from the branches of the old Oak with the gem of nature.

Condition: Full of life!

Effect: Healing ( Wounds, and restoration of Vitality) , Bludgeoning ( +2 damage inflicted on target)

Time limit: As long as the host has at least 1 Vitality.

Weakness: Fire

[ End of Item's Information]

Yunxi didn't need to touch the items she wanted to appraise anymore. She only needed to cast her gaze on it, and activate 'appraisal '.

There wasn't much for Nalan. Only a staff and gold coins.

Out of the five chests present, only two were opened. One contained gold, and the other housed the Staff …and a sword hilt.

" The three chests won't open no matter how hard I try. There is only gold for you. This equipment belongs to us. " Liena explained after meeting Yunxi's inquisitive gaze.

Yunxi looked at the other equipment which belonged to Liena, …the sword hilt.


[ Item Information]

Item: Gelatinous Whip

Rank: B

Availability: Uncommon

Restrictions: Long-ranged fighter, Mage, level.

Description: This whip was pulled from the ooze of a gelatinous cube. When motionless, the whip appears to be a sword hilt with a blob of purple ooze at its end. When attacking, the ooze extends elastically to form the length of a whip.

Damage: Target hit are marked with an acidic residue ( acidic burning, paralysis)

Effect: Deals great damage to all stats. Harmless to the host, and your loved ones.

Condition: in the pink!

Weakness: Level of opponent and rank of the opponent's weapon.

[ End of Item's Information]

" Very well.." Yunxi looked at her own share which was gold. The gold was more than the ones the others had to compensate for her not having a weapon. The gold disappeared into her inventory.

' Their weapons are very good. Nalan's staff has two important purposes. With this, fighting would become easier. I wonder why she couldn't open the other chests…? And why can I see her level and skills now?! ' Yunxi thought as she looked into space.


[ Name : Liena ]

[ Race : Ancient succubus]

[ Age: 25 ]

[ Level: 25]

[ Exp(next level) : 15%]

[ Title: Servant of Chu Yunxi]

[ Class: Warrior, Mage]

[ Strength: 98]

[ Dexterity: 56]

[ Agility: 65]

[ Intelligence:245]

[ Vitality: 7000/7000]

[Defense :89 ]

[ Willpower:175 ]

[ Endurance:123]

[ Luck:50]

[ Free Ap(Attributes Points):142]

[Adaptability ( Mana usage) : 150]

[ Health Points( HP): 9000/9000]

[ Mana Points(Mp):3000/3000 ]

[ Passion Point ( Pp) : 7000/10000]


[ Skills: Dark Vision ( level 3) - See in dim light within sixty feet as if it were a bright light, and in darkness as if it were in dim light. Able to discern colors in the darkness.

Shape changer- Mask demon qualities. Appear exactly as you normally do minus any trait of being a demon ( such as horns, tail, wings, and so on)

Heat(level 10) - Your rage is fuelled by your lust instead of anger. Traits activate.

( Rock hard , Baby!) : When going into heat , blood rushes through your body, expanding and hardening your muscles to get them ready for battle. You count as one size larger for the purpose of grappling. Additionally, as long as you are on the ground, you can not be knocked prone.

( Moister than an oyster): Skin becomes slick , and muscles unusually stretchy. A creature grappled by you is considered restrained. ]

[ Inventory: Big Chests×3, Gelatinous Whip, 1000 Gold]

Condition: Sealed memories, Satiated, and thrilled.

[ Equipment: Gelatinous Whip ]

' Well, I will be damned! I am surrounded by battle maniacs! ' Yunxi screamed out in her mind. What was all this?! This further proved that Liena was mysterious, and extremely dangerous. Her heat makes her crazy for battle. And succubus are known to be lustful. What happens if she goes into heat, and there's no monster or beast to relieve her ?!

Although anger and wrath are the emotions that most lead to battle, there are many primal emotions from which a person can draw strength. Though it's generally considered impolite, there are those who take their 'lust from battle ' , a touch more literally than most.

"Yunxi…" A soft voice broke Yunxi out of her thoughts. She looked up, tilting her head to the side a bit.

" What ?"

" We should get going, now." Nalan said, looking towards the exit of the cave.

" Oh…" Nalan looked around, and nodded. " Let's go, then."

Yunxi walked forward, and the two followed behind.

" If you get lost, I won't help you." Said Yunxi coldly, as she walked towards a random direction.

Ever since they exited the cave, Liena has been wandering about ,admiring the death zone .

Nalan followed beside Yunxi, and Liena trailed behind them slowly, inspecting them. Yunxi could feel the burning gaze of Liena behind her back. Feeling uncomfortable, she turned back and said,

" Stop boring a hole in my back."

Liena raised an eyebrow, " I am ?~"

Liena stopped staring so intently, and Yunxi relaxed a little. She didn't fully trust Liena as of yet.

She wanted to hurry up and get out of the confusing death zone. It didn't take long to exit the maze, three hours at most. Though it seems that the concept of time differed, so it was hard to tell.

Before long, a narrow light filled her vision. She stepped In front of a tree, and saw a brilliant village stretched out before them. Behind them was darkness, while In front of them was brightness. A huge contrast!

Yunxi hesitated for a moment as her eyes reflected the simple yet warm stone village. Liena glanced at Yunxi briefly as they stepped into the village.

The people stopped what they were doing, and turned to face the trio. The happy atmosphere diffused immediately. The people were not more than twenty. The population was too small, and there weren't any children.

A middle-aged man walked out of the crowd, and stood in front of them. He seems to be their leader.

"Hmm…You must be tired from your traveling. Come in ." The middle-aged man stretched his hand backwards and the crowd split into two , making way for them.

At one point, Nalan had grabbed Yunxi's hand tightly, as they followed behind the leader.

They were led to a stone hut, which was considerably a bit bigger than the rest of the stone huts present.

" I apologize if my people treated you badly. We haven't received guests in a while. Rest for a while, food would be brought shortly." With that said, the leader turned around and walked away.

The people dispersed as soon as the leader was out of sight, leaving them alone .