Humans Have High Potential? ( Part I)

Yunxi walked into the temple, with a walking light demon behind her. The seemingly dark temple became bright.

" Master… Are we really going to leave her there ?" Liena followed closely behind Yunxi, and glanced around every now and then. The atmosphere around made her feel uncomfortable and the sound of their heels was somewhat creating a horror background.

" She will be fine. This is the only way we can help her. " Yunxi looked around, her eyes having a blue sheen.

The inside of the temple was an empty room. Activating ' Enhanced Vision ' , led to the blue glaze in her eyes.

She stared intently at one corner of the room. " I am not enthusiastic about hide and seek. Come out. " Her icy voice echoed in the room.

Slowly, figures emerged out of the wall. A scantily dressed milf donned in black , guarded by two handsome knights, who look to be around thirty with deep brown hair. Standing at nearly two meters, with polished silver armor on. One of the knights has a shield, and the other has a great sword on his back. . The two men looked similar in looks.

" Oho..! A human and … a succubus. This is a surprise. It's been years since I have seen another creature. Talk more of a human working with a demon. Seems the world view has changed, since I retreated ~" The woman spoke in a sultry voice, that would make men weak in their knees, and women extremely jealous. She not only has a beautiful voice, but also a voluptuous body.

Which man wouldn't fall for her ? The knights behind her had hearts in their eyes, and looked at her with love and respect. Just like two loyal dogs. The sight was sickening to Yunxi.

Ding !

[ Name : Eric]

[ Race : Homosapiens]

[ Age: 87 years old ]

[ Level: 79]

[ Exp(next level) : 65%]

[ Class: Swordsman]

[ Talent: ( Frost knight) B-Rank ]

[ Strength: 162]

[ Dexterity: 89]

[ Agility: )55]

[ Intelligence: 52]

[ Vitality: 1900/1900]

[Defense : 79]

[ Willpower: 15]

[ Endurance:63]

[ Luck:17]

[ Free Ap(Attributes Points): 0]

[Adaptability ( Mana usage) : 2000]

[ Health Points( HP): 1200/1200]

[ Mana Points(Mp): 3000/3000]

[ Familiar]


[ Skills:. Spell Casting: Ability to cast spells.

Hoarfrost on steel: Weapon can be coated with Ice.

Ice Shield: Creation of three shields made of ice with high Endurance.

Improved Frost Armour: Armour gets covered in Ice.

Cold-blooded: Attacks become ruthless. ]

[ Inventory]

[ Equipment: Sword]

Ding !

[ Name : Eren]

[ Race : Homosapiens]

[ Age: 81 years old ]

[ Level: 59]

[ Exp(next level) : 15%]

[ Class: Swordsman]

[ Talent: ( Shield knight) B-Rank ]

[ Strength: 189]

[ Dexterity: 82]

[ Agility: 45]

[ Intelligence: 49]

[ Vitality: 1900/1900]

[Defense : 89]

[ Willpower: 13]

[ Endurance:75]

[ Luck:17]

[ Free Ap(Attributes Points): 0]

[Adaptability ( Mana usage) : 200]

[ Health Points( HP): 1200/1200]

[ Mana Points(Mp): 500/500]

[ Familiar]


[ Skills: Shield Bond: One can disarm the shield bonded to oneself except one is incapacitated. The bonded shield can be summoned to teleport instantly to the user's hand.

Shield fighting: Use Shield as weapon. Deals bludgeoning damage.

Shieldsmith: You can gain proficiency with smith tools.

Rebound: Bonded shield has a throw property with a long range of 120 feet and range of 30 feet.

Power Shield: Damage and throw range increases. ]

[ Inventory]

[ Equipment: Shield]

' Ugh…Are you messing with me , System?!' Yunxi groaned internally. The information of the three was inadequate. The woman's information was unknown, only the knights, which information wasn't enough.

{ Dear Host, please exercise patience (⁠๑⁠•⁠﹏⁠•⁠)...} The system was almost near tears.

' Patience…?!! I know that to become powerful, I have to go through difficulties. But this…! This is plain sucide. Show me an escape route.' Yunxi tone didn't have room for convincing.

The System was sweating buckets at this point. The look on Yunxi was …spine-chilling { Powerful Host… there isn't an escape route. Even if there is , you wouldn't be able to. }

{ But…if you can defeat them, there are a lot of rewards you would get. And also the answers you want. } The System quickly added.

' Hmm…It's a deal. '

The System breathed a sigh of relief, and wiped the accumulated perspiration off. { Those higher ups are terrible. Couldn't they assign me to a gentle and meek host ?!}

Liena stared at the three dully. " Look who's talking? Your dogs are humans too."


The woman flashed a smile yet not a smile at Liena. "That's right. Afterall, humans have high potential. It would be a waste if it wasn't put into use. But it's a shame humans are gullible and have low willpower. " She sighed sadly at the end of her speech.

Yunxi took a step forward, shielding Liena behind her. " What you said is true. We have high potential, that's why we are your shield. The beauty, and power you have is maintained because of us humans. Without us, you are vulnerable."

Yunxi's words seem to poke a delicate spot , as the woman's expression changed from smiling to ferocious. She snarled at them like an injured beast.

" Kill them. " She instructed the knights, and they heeded her command like the loyal dogs they were.

Liena chuckled seeing the two running towards them. " I thought this was a battle of wits, but it turned out you were unharmed. So you go for this. "

Yunxi eyes focused on her opponent, ignoring Liena's comment. Having a battle loving teammate….is a headache.

The two separated, Yunxi taking the Frost Knight, while Liena took the other.