Chapter 12 Son

Illusion. Something that is to be or is likely to be perceived wrongly or interpreted by the senses. So the question comes up as to whether one exist in a dream or reality and whether or not one is the other.

Once again I'm out cold...or am I waking up? If I'm waking up does that technically mean I'm unconscious? Or is there a in between? Ughh. Okay it's whatever I guess.

So I wake. No dream occurred it was just...dark. Upon waking it's still rather dark but I see a semblance of light. This is the second time in a night I'm rendered unconscious. So my pride is pretty damaged right now.

My vision is blurry. My brain might be in a blender considering the headache I'm sporting.

My senses return to me and I remember what just occurred. I lift my head frantically and take in my surroundings. With the small bit of light available I make out a cave. Looking up I see a large dark hole. I take hold of my phone and switch on the light. I had forgotten my phone back at that factory. Now that I think about it, after that fall I should be suffering from a serious concussion. More dead than anything. But I'm not going to think twice about my reason for being alive. I'm sore all over but that's it.

With my light on my surroundings are clearer. I see beside me the snake dagger I had picked up in the factory. It reminded me of that young woman. How when impaired by the blade she laughed. It was unnatural how her blood corroded and changed everything. What was that? It's like I'm in some horror movie. My head was recovering from the fall but now its reeling from the situation earlier.

I dont think too long about it and instead pick up the dagger. I do try to call my brother on the other hand. Its surprising that I have reception. But when I call I hear only static. I try the police station but again I'm recieving static. It must be the interference of the cave.

I began walking using my phone light as a guide. I learn that sap like substances oozing out of the cave wall was the source of the faint light from before. Touching it seemed like a stupid idea so I didn't.

I keep forward until I hit a dead end. its blocked by rubble. I remove a few rocks and see a small hole through the otherside but there is no real way of me getting pass this block.

I turn back around and to explore my options and see if I missed anything. I calm myself for the most part but eventually fear overcame me as I realized I'm trapped.

"Help!" I start but cover my mouth. it's not a good idea to yell in caves. I don't want the ceiling to crash and kill me. I just sit at the dead end and examine my life. totally sucked. I never finished anything I started. My cooking business was the biggest thing but I've had other aspirations for instance. I look down at the flute/dagger. I never played the flute before much less a flute/dagger. I've always been a snare drummer in high school. Mom's always been interested in us getting to know our native roots while dad was fine as long as we didn't bother him too much. He was a bit of an ass but aren't all dads?

I test out the flute and as I blow life into it, the majestic instrument played beautifully. This is strange to me considering Whenever I touched a flute it'd sound like a dying puppy.

This flute on the other hand is sounding more tuned. Maybe my flutes weren't tuned. yeah....

Before i know it I'm playing the snake flute. it sounds seductive. i lose myself in it almost instantly. I cant seem to stop myself but honestly I dont think I want to either. After what seemed like an eternity of bliss for my ears I look up and see a large white snake the size of a large tree staring at me. Yeah I think I'm gonna have a heart attack now....but I can't. Seriously I can't. I'm actually feeling rather calm for some reason.

"So what you need boss?" I hear a new york accent in my head...or is it all around me? Wait I think its the snake. glowing reptilian red eyes. That's all I can really look at.

"I didn't know snakes could talk. I must be hallucinating." The large Anaconda gave me an animated look of offense.

"Hey! I'm not just any snake." The large serpent proclaimed. "I am Great Spirit Stark. The heavenly serpent of Upper World! Devourer of Tork."

"Yeah, what the hell is a Tork? " I raise my hand like I'm back in grade school. "I mean I know what Torgue is or a cork is but the way you said it seems like we're thinking about two different things."

"Tork!" Stark curls around me. "Tork as in the father of Yule? Sire of the conqueror Dura?" Father of Yule. Here we go again. I could've sworn this father of Yule was made up by the she devil that wanted my blood. The way my mother told it Yule, a priestess, was born from light and that it was a man known as Dura that assaulted her and took her dignity until she reclaimed it back by beating his ass and banishing him to the mountain of Yonna. Yonna was an ancient mountain that held spirits of punishments and great sufferings.

I explain this to the large snake and he merely laughed.

"No. no. no. The story got mixed up unfortunately." the snakes mouth opened but I felt no danger from it. instead I think this was it's way of communicating. "it all happened like this."

He explained how apparently a Spirit by the name of Tork was possessed by evil and was separated Into light and darkness. But this light and darkness had been born in middle world, or our present universe, and the light was named Yule while the darkness was called Dura. Yule stayed as far from Dura as she could but was betrayed by selfish women in her temple and had been seized by the darkness that was Dura.

"That's when I came in. You see once Yule was taken and a evil Tork was born I devoured him before he could corrupt the mortal coil."

At this point I know for a fact that even though I cant see myself I'm definitely giving him a deadpan look.

"Hey don't look at me like that." he continued "Anyway, I transformed Yules flute and Dura's dagger into a catalyst to help seal away Tork but I had to hold the seal with my sheded skin." He tilts his head to the daggered flute.

"So you're saying you accidentally trapped yourself in your sheded skin?" I place a hand on my side.

" no that'd be stupid....I purposely trapped myself inside of my sheded skin."

upon hearing this I wanted to fall out and just wake up from this acid trip. instead I asked the one question that's really on my mind.

"okay so if your really here and this is all happening...why the hell am I so calm? "

"To summon me" he started" you have to play the 'Song Of The Calming Wind'." I wave my hand along ushering for an explanation.

"Basically the flute is magical and the song you used calmed your soul. "

At this point I'm well aware this is real. It's just too strange to follow. So I sit and try collecting my thoughts. This is definitely something Ryan would enjoy. While I was crazy about food he was obsessed with adventuring. It was his way of expressing himself and feeling free. I on the other hand hate the prospect of being in danger.

"You seem lost." Stark notices the dead end. "Play my song and I can get you through that rubble." Does he mean what I played earlier?

"How?" I ask.

"I shall teach you." he lifts his body and stands up on his tail. I began to hear deep humming. it was a song. The sound reverberated off the cave wall. He repeated the humming until I understood how to play it. And once I did my whole world changed. Before I knew it I was a slithering white snake. It felt strange and like it was instinctual I knew to slither through the cracks in the rubble. I was now on the otherside and free from my previous worries.

Everything that happened up to now has been unbelievable and I can tell it's about to get even crazier. I've heard Stories about people getting head injuries and going into comas. Once in these comas they can go through an entire experience that seems like a lifetime. These comas have a tendency to seem real. How how can one tell they are asleep or not? Is that what's happening to me? Am I asleep? Or is this all real. Honestly I dont know.

What I do know is I've only escaped one problem in a series of unfortunate events to end up in another upon entering the unknown.