Elton is asking people asking people after the funeral of pretty,"what happen to our soul after we die?" people where amazed, shocked at the same time,but elton as the one asking was so confident to what he ask.
"it seems like people don't want to answer" what I've asked for these are the words of elton. he began to explain; death is an continuous vision that are of endless, meaning there don't stop.people often say when we sleep we practice death that's so true when we sleep we experience dreams and visions that seems so real.so even after our death our soul go for Infinity visions.
the visions you see will be according what you spend your days on Earth doing.if you spend your days in Earth living and doing immorality and u meaningful life even at your after life visions it's going to be sorrow like when you're on a nightmares it's going to be an night mare of unlimited to your soul as your subconscious will be telling you,all your wrong doing.
but if you spend your life doing good and being so religious and spritual all will be well.
and visions you see will of being good and peace.
so heaven and earth is within our soul it is depend on how you're doing things.and what you bealive on.your deeds in the world and how you communicate and work on Earth.
elton after explaning these everyone get shocked and amazed about the so profound speach and explanation about death people where clapping hands
someone asked at the back do you think pretty is at heaven?
elton so emotional yes.she is on heaven she bealive in good deeds and bringing best to the world so she was an angel..so her visions of infinity are of peace.
so people we have learned that for someone after he or she died is an endless vision's.