The interview

Summer didn't realize she was at the sports car and leave the car in a hurry. I thought I wouldn't make it. It's all thanks' to that Mister I didn't even see he's face. Maybe next time I see him I'll give him a reward I but I don't know him I didn't saw him except the music it was so relaxing that I thought I might sleep in the car but I'm so nervous but the music makes me relax until someone call me and I thought It was the interviewer and the interview was finish. I'm so nervous that I don't want to pick up but when I so Max name in it I feel less nervous I pick up my phone and Max and I talk all the way until I realize I was already that the school. I told Max I'm already at the university and we bid our good byes. I run until I lost my breath and hopefully the interview is not done yet and I managed to do well in the interview even when I was out of breath and almost late it was all thanks' to that mister's driving skill. When I finish the interview it was already dark and I saw Aaron outside the gate like his waiting I thought that his new friends or his super model girlfriend is in here so I ignore him an went outside to grab a cab when I suddenly felt something is holding my hand's it's so cold that might froze your hand's. It was Aaron, I don't know why my heart beat so fast I think I might die from heart attack. Aaron what a you doing here is your girlfriend here or your friends? Um I'm waiting for you. Me? Why would you wait for me, and how did you know I was here? Did Daisy told you that I'm here or is it Lily? or Max!? [How could they tell Aaron that I'm here.!] no Sum, they didn't tell me. Then why are you here? Well the one that gave you ride here its me. HAHAHAHAHHA don't joke around Aaron is your girlfriend here? Oh can you let me go now your girlfriend might see as and think something. Oh! sorry Sum by the way let me gave you a ride I really did wait for you and beside my girlfriend is in country B okay? Um.....okay thanks. On their way home it was so silent that they can even hear their breaths. Thanks for the ride Aaron have a safe trip on you're way home. Okay thanks. A few months later it was their graduation day Summer and her friends are super excited to become a college student. We celebrate our graduation at a five star hotel well as expected my parent's are late so I told them we should start eating I'm a little bit sad because my parent's always say's they will be late and after a few minutes they will call as again and say's they can't come because something happen in the office it's always likes this except at the dinner party with the Knight I think for them their business is much more important than us. My parent's called me and said that they can't make it, I already know that because they never been with us when something like this happen but it's okay at least my little brother and my friends are always with me. after a few hours we already go home. Daisy is going to study in country F with her fiancé [Daisy a rich brat that found true love when she was at the age 12 and now become her fiancé Dave Ismael] Me, Lily, Max is going to the same school but I don't know about Aaron. I think Aaron is going to country B because her girlfriend is there. I admit that I was jealous because I did love Aaron ever since young but he likes someone else now even before, I know that Aaron doesn't like me because for him were just friend . Summer move on he likes someone else you should move on Sum if you don't want to hurt yourself. But I can't stop loving him I think right now I'm crazy talking to my self. We should find someone that will love us whole heartedly but I can't help myself thinking of him his L shape nose and his deep cold almond black eyes, his sculptured face that like God gave him the perfect face with his cold voice that makes him more attractive an his super duper smart like his father and his face like his mother but the thing that I don't get it is his so cold face but he really is a good person. Plenty of people fear him because they think his cruel but for me his a good boy that's why I like him or should I say I love him. Why do I love him so much? Well how I wish someone would bully me and Aaron well come to the rescue an save me from the bullies but I know no one would dare to bully me because of my family. I wonder what ordinary people do for living because me, my parent's buy us everything we want but they are always busy that we might not remember their faces I know that they are doing this for us but I want to spend more time with them. I know that I'm being selfish right now but I wonder what well happened when my parent are not that powerful and influential right now, maybe right now we might be having dinner and we might talk to each other's problem. And I think in our big mansion me and my brother Tuppy are the only one living there and it feels empty and there seems to be something missing, me an my brother always eat by our self but I'm thankful to my parent for giving me a kind, sweet, an thoughtful little brother that I can rely on. My brother is three years younger than me he always tell me his problem he even told me about his crush he like someone but he doesn't know how to express his feeling sometimes he ask me if I already had someone that I like and I said yes I like this person over a decades already but he doesn't know about it because I'm scared he might leave me if I did tell him. While thinking of those memories I did think that I should stop liking Aaron because when I'm with Aaron I think I'm over the moon that his the only person I lock my eyes with. So I decided to agree to my mom about the blind date she told me before actually I really don't care what people think of me except Aaron when we were kids I will always doll myself when were meeting Aaron. I first saw Aaron at the age of eight at a party and he seems to be bored I think his so matured at that age while me Daisy, Lily, and Max are already friends at that time. I move close to Aaron and start talking hi I'm Summer, Sum for short, what are doing here? Why are avoiding people? Are you scared of them? You should enjoying yourself here There's plenty of delicious food there do you want some? Why are you ignoring me? Do you want to be my friend? Oh right I forgot to ask your name what's your name? I'm Aaron Knight remember that name. Finally you talk to me I thought your not listening to me. Remembering those memories makes me want to cry I think It's love at first sight. First thing in the morning I check my phone if there are any updates at the university when when someone called me it was an unknown number. Hello? who is this? Well this is Aaron Knight's girlfriend, Alexa Clinton are you seducing my boyfriend? Well someone told me the two of you are holding hands well if you try to seduce my boyfriend again I don't know what well happened to you. Actua... beep...beep....beep....Actually Aaron doesn't love me. So Aaron's girlfriend is Alexa Clinton I know that I might regret this but I can't stop thinking what kind of person this Alexa is. So I stalk her instagram and her twitter account and damn she's so pretty and hot I think that's why he like her. I saw a lot of picture of them they seemed totally in love I didn't realize my tears are already flowing when someone knock on the door sis are you inside I quickly wipe my face and said come in Puppy I always call Tuppy a puppy because his so cute. Stop calling me a puppy sis I'm already a grown up now, well okay grown up man what are you doing here? Do you want some advise? I think you're the one that need some advise sis you didn't experienced dating before bye, oh by the way mom told me that your meeting Stefano today alright bye. Wait a minute what are you saying why are you in my room. Oh right I forgot what I want to tell you sorry bye sis.