Safe Zone - Neutral zone

Respawn - Starting point after being out

Outs - Temporarily eliminated

OPEX - Overseas operations

Close Quarter Battle - Urban combat

Highlanders - Immortal (in this case: cheater)

AEG - Propellant launch vehicle automatic burst

AEP - Automatic launcher piecemeal or handgun shooting

PDW - Conventional compact submachine gun

SMG - Submachine gun or automatic short weapon

Rail Interface System - Standard rail system arms

MALICE - Fastening system

Double or BB Loader - Simplifying the charging accessory

High-caps - High capacity magazines

05°19'59''N and 04°01'23''W - Abidjan geographical coordinates

Makibishi - Pitfall (N.A. Japanese)

COS - Commandement des opérations spéciales - Special Operations Command (N.A. from French)

CEFE - Centre d'entraînement en forêt équatoriale - Training center in the equatorial forest (N.A. from French)

Rien—jamais—existe—vraiment - Nothing-ever-really-happens (N.A. from French)

Bon Anniversaire - Happy Birthday (N.A. from French)

Interfector - Killer. (N.A. from Latin)

Homines - Human (N.A. from Latin)

Lamia - Vampire (N.A. from Latin)

Metamorphic - Formed by changing

Hontôni Arigato - Thank you! (N.A. Japanese)

Ashita mata ne - See you tomorrow (N.A. Japanese)

Hajimemashite - I am delighted to meet you! (N.A. Japanese)

Jaa ne - See you soon! (N.A. Japanese)

Yurushuku - I count on you to take care of her! (N.A. Japanese)

Hontôni Arigato - Thank you from my heart! (N.A. Japanese)