I Cant Sleep Till You're Next To Me

[ " I like your eyes you look away when you pretend not to care, I like the dimples on the corners of the smile that you wear, I like you more, the world may know but don't be scared, cause I'm falling deeper, baby be prepared, Angel sing that song while looking and having a great time teasing Ziggy and Chin. The song was " I Like You So Much, You'll Know It" By Ysabelle Cuevas].

[Chin looked at Angel wearing a devil's smile on her face while Z stuck for an hour looking at the door, Boys busy unloading their stuff. It turns out that, Angel gives them choices, but before she finishes her sentences], [Alfie looks in the eye of Ziggy, walking towards her, and now their face to face, a few inches apart] Can I stay with you?[Ziggy was stuck at the moment couldn't utter any single words, But before she answers,[Alfie go to the room and pick up his things on the sofa and smiled at her].Hey Dude! Come on! my teddy bear didn't say any word, [Andrew keeps complaining about Alfie's attitude], and she did not show me any sign of resistance, it means it a yes [said, Alfie]. Okay, Andrew [Angel put her arms around the neck of Andrew, she talk him in a sweet way], it means are you going upstairs or you gonna sleep with me?[She looked at Chin's reaction, and it looked like she pisses off, her eyeballs went up and down with her eyebrows, she looked like a wild witch that ready to attack and unboned her rivalry, Angel laugh sarcastically, cause Chin is really intimidated at her action]. Nope, Gorgeous,[Andrew put his arms around the waist of Angel to look more romantic and say in a cute voice] I'd like to share a room with Chin, if it was okay and approved by her [looking at Chin reaction], "OKay"[Chin say it with a cute gesture by flipping her hair in the back of her ear in a soft voice]. Thanks, Chin, by the way, allow me to put my things in our room, then I will be right back [Andrew said in with a cute smile] Hemp! Fine! I am happy for you girl[ Angel feeling relieved now, knowing a good start will happen inside the house].

[Night times approach, the moon looks brightly, and stars come out little by little. Meanwhile, In the garden, they will busy preparing their dinner, Z was arranging the table for five, Chin was on the Dessert, she prepared fresh fruit salad made with different fruits and yogurt. Drinks were prepared by Andrew, a cold beer for the boys and a wine for the girls, Angel busy cooking her own version of Seafood Paella, as well as Spicy Buffalo, on the grill, Alfie start to make fire and grilled barbeque, squid, and a hotdog. They were going to celebrate the first night together. The food is prepared and ready on the table. each of them chooses the spot they wanted, Angel was in the middle, on her right side Alfie and Z no awkward feelings, on the left Chin and Andrew seem close to each other]. So, I think this for real, every time we eat, you know your place guys [A refer to her friends], [ Everyones approved except for Andrew, he show hesitation at all]. But, I want to sit beside my teddy bear [referring to Z ], cause I miss her so much [Andrew said it in a cute way, trying to act like a baby looking to Z]. Do you like his idea? [ Alfie ask Z], I like to sit and eat beside you [she admits it right away while looking at Alfie's eyes. Okay I understand, I'm fine as long as my teddy bear decision [Andrew looks upset]. Do you like me, to give you, seafood paella, I heard you like that?[Chin ask Andrew, she changes the topic and the mood], so everyone let's start to eat [ said, Angel]. The stereo was playing the song "Moment of Truth" By FM Static where the lyrics were [ I've got your picture in my wallet and the phone number to call to it, and I miss you more whenever I think about you], "Z" choked and couldn't breathe, and start to cough, she tries to tap her chest in a hard way [Andrew act for her rescue, but Alfie perform the First Aid to Z . He stand behind her and slightly to one side. Support her chest with 1 hand. Give up to 5 sharp blows between her shoulder blades with the heel of your hand. He thoroughly checks if the blockage has cleared ]. Z feels relieved and thank Alfie for coming to her rescue, A whole size of shrimp comes out of her mouth, and it directly lands on the face of Andrew and she feels apologetic about what happened. I am sorry my gummy bear [referring to Andrew], she wipes his face, but while doing that, she suddenly laughs loud, [ Andrew laugh too, they were like crazy], It's okay as long as your fine, [Andrew hold Z chin and pinch her face], yeah we're glad your okay, You will get me nervous, [ Angel hold her heart], yeah right, What's on your mind? while you eat a whole piece of shrimp, without swallowing it carefully[ ask Chin a sarcastic tone but sound worried]. Sorry guys, some things came off after I heard the song, [ Z hugs and whispered on their ear, Do you know that I have a photo of Alfie in my wallet but early in my room, I placed it on the upper part of the makeup table, I just realized it after I heard the word picture, both girls silly laughed then pinch Z on her waist. I think I am exposed without a shield on]. Guys let's clean, I think it will rain tonight, stop drinking the beer, cause tomorrow is our first day at work, I'm the one who washes the dishes, so you better hurry up before I change my mind, goodnight everyone, kissing her bestie on cheeks [ Angel].

[ At the room]

["Z" was facing the wall and try to fall asleep, while she plays a song "No One Else Comes Close" cover By Michael Pangilinan on her phone at a low volume that she can only hear, so she couldn't bother her roommate but she couldn't, It freezing cold plus her mind was torturing her, to think that, the man that his only seen and staring in her wallet, was sleeping on the other bed, she keep smiling and keep trying to calm herself, she tap and press her chest hard]. Tsk! my heart keeps pounding and racing like crazy, Damn it! OH Gosh! I can't breathe, Come on, stay calm heart, For now, let's sleep. But a few minutes, a hand around her waist, and she feels a hot masculine body that feels the warmth as hot as like the lava flows in the mountain on her back, at the back of her head, she feels Alfie breathe and smell like a perfume, it brings joy and electricity that flows in her system, it was so good, It felt like a dream, but Its not, [ I want to sleep beside you and hug you, Alfie whisper to hear ear], she tickles but endures it. She doesn't need to answer, cause this is what she wanted. Alfie hugs her tightly and puts the cover on, so they fall asleep. Hours passed, but Ziggy was still up, she couldn't bear to closed her eyes or fall asleep, she changed her position, she lifts Alfie arms carefully and quietly, as she succeeds, her face was close to him, he watch Alfie sleep, and slowly trying to touch his face,[Z whisper] you look like a Baby, I want to wake up beside you, I want this moment not ends, and I also want to have your heart, That's all I'm asking, but if the universe against us, I will stand with you and again chose you until our Love has a chance until you trust me and gave me a slight hope to show how I Loved you since then and until now, nothings change, you are the one, who gives me feeling of excitement, whenever I looked at you, I feel the spark, I am enjoying the view of your face, and I'm okay with that. But I think, I can't fight this feeling anymore, [ while Z closed her eyes because the tears starting to goes down, Alfie Gently kissed on her lips for a 10 second then let it go] Z opens her eyes, feel shocked,[this was her first kiss with him and she wants more] she looked at him in the eyes with sincerity, she felt Alfie softly touch her face and wipe the tears, [ Goodnight, said Alfie while holding her face], he sealed kiss on her lips again, and pulling it towards him, in a passionate way, Alfie slowly touches her earlobes, neck, and cheeks, it was A French kiss, a deep kiss, a tongue kiss, is an amorous kiss in which their tongues extend to touch each other's lips. A "kiss with the tongue" gives their body stimulants and induces physiological sexual arousal, they feel a hot desired burning up as they let go, both catch their breath and smile, they enjoyed it together. He put Ziggy's head in his chest, and runs his finger through her hair and kiss her on the forehead. No words can describe, or no words need to be said, She was happy, knowing everything's gonna be fine with them and their love story has begun]. They both fall asleep with a smile on their faces hugging each other tightly.