Can't Take My Eyes Of You

"Touch of your hand, Smile on your face, Truth in your eyes, the beat of your heart tells me, I own you, every breath, every second, every minute you beside me, I feel heaven. You are my world, I want each moment would be happier, memorable, and intense. All I want to do is to wake up lying in your arms, face to face, hug tight by you, beloved and caressed by you. Feels like everything in this world, was in the palm of my hands as long as the only wish that I had since then and the only reason why I believed in love, was You."[Z]

[ Her thoughts flew up in the air, as she feels the warmth of Alfie's hands slowly touch and grab her waist. Alfie cornered Z and sealed her lips gently, passionately, and sweetly kissed, her tongue fight back, up and down, as if she like a kid, that licked lollipop for the first time, her arms put around on Alfie's neck as if it was automatically moving, this kind of vibe, kind of feeling that she dreams off, thought of having him was only an illusion for a long time, After a long kiss, they hug each other and talk. It feels like a week or months, but actually, it is just a day, when Alfie did not show him affection].

[Z] But now, on this very special, quietly, night. A time with you, was like in a fairy tale. Sometimes I ask myself, how far can I go, just to be with you, A hundred steps, No, would a thousand steps be enough to get there, to get close to you. What is the point of all the things I've done, when the end of the road I take, will you be there, waiting for me too? I would not dare to ask for anything, as long as I know your mine.[ she didn't want to ruin the mood but her mind keeps pounding and hungry for answers, she can't hold up any more, she talk like a machine gun, that continue firing without stop or even catch a breathe, so many why's], We are lovers, but why don't you show them? Why do you act so differently? Why don't you even look at me, the same way I look at you? I didn't even see the smile on your face when I'm by your side?

[Alfie hug Z tightly, he didn't answer everything, he won't dare to say a single word, that might lead to understanding, In his mind, all the feelings he wanted to show, and share with Z was thru action, inside his heart was all truth and sincerity. all he knows was] You are mine, and I am the one you love.

[Z hugs Alfie from the back, her arms locked across his abs], You know what I can understand about this heart-wrenching pain by ignoring each other in front of people, my hearts linger for you every time, every day, the more I think of you, The more I've wanted to be with you, every step brings me closer towards you, I wanted to run and hold your hand but you turn around and walk away. I wish that our love was deep as like the ocean not only in this room, how I wish you can read my mind how I felt and blessed to receive attention and your heart.

[Alfie is still silent but holds her arms tight while his thoughts pounding on his head but no voice, it remains unsaid. I hope you can read my mind too, my growing heart, I can pretend that I didn't see you. I've been keeping you in my heart for so long if only I could say. you can look through it, and realized how much you mean to me, but for now, let's stay like this cause I don't know how to get the confidence to express or show it to all the people around us, my heart has been so lonely all thru the years gone by, and you are the answer, I just wanted you to come and stay.]

[ At the kitchen, they preparing dinner, A was cooking pork broccoli, while Chin making Mango graham beside her was Andrew, preparing the table utensils while listening to the song "All for you" perform by SuhyunxHenryxCrushxseunghwan]

Chin, Andrew, Angel sing in chorus while holding spoon as their mic,]

" For you, only for you,

I might not be able to give you the whole world,

But Id like to promise, only for you,

That I will the person, only for you,

Is only for you, just wanna be for you,

you just need to stay with me,

just as you are right now,

If I am born again, I will still look at only you forever.

[ Z and Alfie enter feeling shocked and happy]

[Alfie] wow!! [clapping both hands and curious] guys you really had enjoying yourself tonight, so what's this commotion all about? [Z] yeah guys you look good, why don't we form a band, then we can ask or propose it to the H.R about performing every Saturday in the morning, before working. so at least we can entertain and share this energy and good vibes inside the production? [Chin] oh wow! I love your idea, it's another chance for us to showcase our talent, [ Angel], what if they don't allow it? I remember during the Christmas party has a lot of programs and find a suitable candidate for the show, so probably, we just wait for that, [ Andrew look at his phone and read the good news, he see the new post online about the company activity] but I think guys, as of this moment, HR posted a poster about the best dancer? maybe we should participate in this.[ Z] wow, what a nice idea to dance in the morning in front of the people, who will go and join us to dance, I like to do things that people might inspire and motivate.[Alfie] I'm in, as long as the choreograph was easy, [ Chin, Andrew, Z, Angel] okay Yesss! [Angel] so for now let's eat, go to bed early, so we can face tomorrow with a bright mind and full of confidence. [ On the table, Alfie serves food on Z plate. He put vegetables, pork and add fruits. Z also put the food on Alfie's plate, as if they were the only people on the table and no one around. they look at each other eyes and smile while holding hands under the table, Z uses her right hand while Alfie is on his left hand, it kinda looks intriguing, so Andrew pretends that his fork was fell on the floor but his intention was to takes a peak, then sees was he really wanted to see and act jealous.]

[Andrew] Wow, lovebirds holding each other hands, wow? I didn't imagine Bro! that you have feelings for my Teddy Bear, you hurt my ego, my pride,[ his good on acting, so Chin look sad as if Andrew really confessed his feelings towards Z and Angel was laugh cause she finds Andrew a bit weird]. [Angel] hahaha as if really true that you hurt and not knowing what happens right inside the house. Look at what you have done, Chin was looking uneasy and jealous as if she was going to hit you hard on the back of your hand].[ Andrew feels guilty and quickly apologizes to Chin, he faces her and holds his cheeks while saying his love vows in front of them as if this moment announcing their relationship]. [Andrew] Chin listened, from the first time, I saw you in Superl, I couldn't believe that I loved you, it doesn't make sense to me, cause I really don't know how to say or how to get close to you, that what if I confessed, I'm worried about losing you as my friend, that's why I keep pretending that you are just nobody. I tried to lie to myself, but I cannot hide this feeling any longer, Chin I think I love you].

[ Chin suddenly looks sad but smiles, her eyes are about to cry, she really loved Andrew since then, now and even for the future, Her only one was Andrew. She hugs him tight, to express her emotion, to let know Andrew how much she wanted to hear those words from him]. [ Chin] you know how much I loved right, on how much I think of you when you are not around my eyes keep looking until I find you.[ They kissed each other gently, passionate, slowly then released each other as they begun to hear, Angel's voice]. [Angel] hauler! were on the dinners table, can you just go to your room, if you don't like to eat, don't make me feel jealous.OH!, how I wish, that someday, I have a boyfriend too.[Z] you're going to have and find cause you deserve someone that really gave you his time, love, effort and made you a real queen.[ Alfie] you are a beautiful angel for us. so I'm sure that someday a lucky guy knock-knock on the door and confessed.[Angel] yeah! I know, I keep entertain myself thru working, so for now, please don't display your public affection in front of me, I'm going to kick you all.[ All say Yes, and then laugh].

[ Z and Alfie, sleep on one Bed, He put hear on his shoulder, while Z put her arms around Alfie's waist, face each other while sharing sweet kisses on lips, cheeks, nose, chin, forehead, then hands. Slowly Z fell asleep, while Alfie looks at her slowly touch Z's face as if he was looking for a baby to sleep with, come to think of it, time flies even when I'm only gazing at her. He memorized every Z face detail]. [Alfie] Why didn't I know you were in front of me, All this time you were right beside me, Why do I only see the love now, to tell you the truth, actually I felt my heart beating on that day,[ He suddenly remember the Company Christmas party on 2013 when Z confessed her love towards him], since the beginning I knew, I wasn't sure, but it felt like our fate was already decided. Slowly I started to think of you, later I find myself falling for you since then and now when I saw you at the restaurant, you turn me on, bothered my world of silence, and pull me out, my heart keeps pounding and beat like crazy when you near as if wanted to feel and touch you, I only realized it when time your not around, now I know that love is coming for me, it leads me towards you, always remember that I need You. [ Chin and Andrew sleep together in a Bed while hugging each other, they are both happy and in love, Chin was up and staring at Andrew's face]. [Chin ], It feels like a dream that I don't want to wake up, all I ask is to lie in bed beside you, feel your heart and watch you like this. I remember the day we first met, you came to me on a dazzling and bright day, I fall for you cause the way you treat me was full of care when you happy when you have a new girlfriend, you look happy always, when you feel heartache, you look horribly sad but in the end. always new love coming your way and I was there, behind you, witness everything. I am willing to wait for your love, your attention, your time, I am patiently waiting. But I think this year, I can't hold myself, I wasted enough time loving you secretly, so now, I will fight for you so that no one can take you from me, I am truly crazy in love with you, always remember that.

[ August 2013 It just happened to rain all of the sudden. And she just happened to be standing there. Something unbelievable happened, He thought everything in life happens for a reason, On this special day. He just came out to buy food and drinks for his birthday celebration, he was standing in a front of a restaurant, his eyes focus on the road while waiting on the jeep, rain flows, a lot of people walking by has an umbrella, unlike him, freeze on the moment and waiting for the rain to stop, Alfie phone rings. ]

[Mom] Hello my handsome, did you buy all the things I needed for your food preparation?

[Alfie] yeah Mom, kinda come late, I don't have an umbrella, I'm outside, just waiting for the jeep, see you, mom, need to hang up,[ A sudden kiss o his lips happen in a second, cause a lot of people need a space like him, they don't have an umbrella at all, while he's busy talking to his mom. Z was rest for a while, to wait on a jeep also, but freeze like a block of ice when she sees Alfie, She stands in front of Alfie while having face to face, her smile is so bright, her eyes glow, her cheeks feel hot, her body couldn't get up and not react for a while, she feels hard from the back cause lot of people try to fit in on the space, that's why their cute awkward little moments happened, a kiss on her crush on his birthday was the moment when her heart feels fast heartbeat. Her intention why she stands in front of him was to give him a gift and birthday greetings. Her mom speaks and seems worried]

[Mom], son what happens? are you alright? Don't make me wait too long, you know I need to cook for your friends, see you, take care bye.[Alfie] yeah mom, bye.[Z] Ah, ah, ah, [she stutters, she grab Alfie's hands to give her gift to him, she can't manage to look at Alfie's face but manage to speak] Happy Birthday.[ As soon as she finishes talking, she turns around and walks in the rain. All she wanted was to walk away. Alfie the goal was so simple, to buy food and drinks then go home, but unfortunately, a shame and unexpected but happy things happened even for a while, even it was short, a kiss between him and her, still linger and keep running on his mind. He got home, and help his mom to prepare things, He was in charge of grilling meat, He prepared everything, He starts to make fire using charcoal, sauce, oil, tong, a plate, his busy enough but he kept smiling, that's why his mom caught on him.] [Mom] Did you enjoy buying groceries? since you went in, your face is color red, Did you meet a girl? that's why you go home late? You sound very happy, It is clearly shown on your face. My hunch said that I am right, I get interested in every detail of what happens to you, I am very Intrigued. So tell me any story son.[Alfie] no mom, I'm just happy cause you to cook for us, thanks, mom[ but deep inside, he feels like he was in paradise for a moment, Her scent, her looks, her tender, and smooth lips, he remembers one by one. She is the first kiss i had and she is so unique in her own way.]. I don't have time for a girlfriend, friends was enough for now. Work is my priority.[ just to keep her mom silent, he gives him a hug to show how much, he appreciated all the efforts and love he received. Also for stopping her mom to ask questions, he opens the sliding door and slowly places her mom in front of the table where she needs to finish chopping and cooking. Then, he goes outside to finish grilling, and he can't stop thinking and smiling alone again. At 3 pm in the afternoon, all of his teammates from the SB arrives girls batch came in first, Cesar, Jen, Erlyn, Genielyn, Madz, Lisa, Joyce, Jam, Reem, Abby, Maui, Marissa, Abby, Jessi, Ofelia, Sandra, Faye, Angel, and Chin. On the boys here comes Jay, Ryan, Jobert, Jeff, Luis, Arnel, Joren, Kenneth, Aldwin, James, Louie, Oyo, Alvin, Rommel, Charlie, and Andrew greet Alfie with a hug, they keep chatting, feel excited, about the food]

[Andrew] Wow dude, I love all the foods on the table, specially Porkchop, and grilled Pusit, It's is perfect for the beer.[Chin] Yeah beer please, thanks for the food Alfie, Aunt is the best when cooking seafood paella, and spicy shrimp.[ Angel] guys let's eat, I love auntie Ceasar salad, and wait where is Ziggy?[ talking to all of the invited guests, Z was not present]. I think she is late said Madz, Yeah I think she buys a special gift for Alfie who knows Erlyn. What should we do now? We ought to be here to celebrate, so let us enjoy first, then wait for Z, I'm sure she will be here soon said Jam. Before anything else, thank you for coming girls and boys. To spend your one and only day off with me, I feel overwhelmed, just enjoy and drink all night long, since we're on the night shift tomorrow. Okay, grab your glass and bottoms up![Alfie] yes let's drink until daylight, plus we have plenty of food and beer, all we have to do is to drink up!. Party! party! by Jay and friends. Guys let's eat, have some more meat on our belly, and let's have a good time said, Alvin.[ He thinks Z for the whole day, everyone in here, was like Z personality, she is simple but knowledgeable babydoll, she is beautiful inside and out. Skilled in every way, able to learn things in a short period of time. Her eyes speak it all, even without makeup, her laugh sounds cute. Her honesty and respect attitude towards others is outstanding. Most of all her characteristics were, her heart full of sincerity. She always listens to every word I'm saying.]

[ Angel] Oh my gee! Hi Z, [ Everyone looks towards the gate, got their attention, and got confused, why angel looks amazed. On the gate, Z was standing looks amazing wearing her stunning, Black Korean beach elegant bohemian boho floral formal mini sexy casual dresses with matching Renee Tassel blush gold sling bag and Women Martin Boots Sexy Ladies High Heel Shoes Round Toe Leather perfect combination for a fashion Goddess like Z. She walks slowly in the table and greet her friends then headed towards to Alfie]

[Z] Guys sorry, I'm late, Alfie Happy Birthday [ But Alfie looks sulky and ignores her], Hey I said, Happy Birthday, Your a grown-up man now, stop acting cold.[ No words can explain how I'm happy that day you came to me, and smile. She's a beauty, She has big eyes, and dark eyebrows with a pointy nose that looks good and bright. Since then I can't take my eyes off you. All I can do, at that time, was to wait for our destiny, if we're meant to be. And chances allow us to become as one, I would grab it, even the slightest. Alfie got sleep after quietly gazing at Z's face.]