Chapter32: problems solved

"-I came here because I need help but…Can I trust you?

-Blindly, just tell me and we will find a way out together."Mal smiled at him as he straightened up before looking at her directly with a serious face on and explained:

"-everything got messed up after we left; I don't from where to start but I will try to summer up…Someone leaked my father's illness, my people knew I am alive and that my father hid me…

-wait…what do you mean you are alive?

-you remember when I told you about my mom.

-I thought you were lying but continue.

-I was truthful with you that moment, but it's not our problem now…My father had a lot of enemies that wanted and still want to steal his thrown and end his bloodline, so to protect me he announced my death with my mom's. And lately; everyone found out, they made riots and started to doubt if I am really his son and if I am able to be their next king or not.

-That's why you decided to do the marriage thing.

-well, kind of but no one knows about it.

-What!" Mal shouted in disbelief while Kieran rubbed his neck in awkwardness.

"-Well, we thought I am gonna get married then do my coronation ceremony back at the castle with Verin presence to assure everything will go perfectly when I have someone powerful like him guarding my back…But…I guess everything didn't go as my father planned.

-OK…I am shocked right now…. and what are you going to do?

-Verin will send a letter to announce the marriage and that I am the lawful heir of the crown.

-Haven't you left anyone in charge while you are here, or you just forgot it and come to enjoy yourself? At least stopping the riots and assure safety for your people.

-Why everyone think I am that careless?" Kieran said annoyed almost getting mad.

"-Well everyone have flows including me, but through this period we passed together I kind of knew you better and I assure you… you are not careless or irresponsible as everyone think." Mal said seriously with a warm voice making the prince feel a vibe of joy and self boost before he added with a smug grin:

-you are right, not everyone got the chance to know me, but I…

-Maybe because you are an arrogant jerk with superiority and god complex; who only cares about himself and his position. Add to that an annoying fervent desire to be the king that you would probably kill yourself if it won't happen…I guess then they will know you better." the girl explained her thought smirking with pure innocent eyes while the prince's smiled dropped with shock but soon turned to a light chuckle.

-You really know how to serve poison in a fancy cup and make me drink it gladly" Kieran said sarcastically while she flipped her hair sassily then added:

"-Moving on…did something else happened, that everyone couldn't take charge of that little problem without your presence?

-A group pretended that they are from the palace and told people that we raised the monthly scot, and who won't pay their women will be taken to work in the palace to pay off their family debts. But no female stepped in the palace. And the ones who collected the money disappeared, the same thing as for a group of guys who were responsible behind a lot of sabotage and riots organizing.

-WOW…That's a real chaos.

-There is more.

-I should have brought a drink, but go on.

-And there is someone who pops out of nowhere; to make me look the bad guy in the story, he gave aids and helped with fixing shop, houses reparations and so on. But he also got the audacity to write me a letter telling me to recede from my thrown for him. And those ungrateful peasants are supporting…ouch." Malin had enough with his bullshit and hit the back of his head and he glared at her.

"-What was that for?

-you are a dumbass Kieran, how dare you call your people ungrateful peasants. They have the right to protest and ask for their right because it's your duty to protect them. Even though, riots and sabotage isn't necessary but it's the normal reaction when they found out that their king will die and his son turned out to be alive after all this years.

-And what do you want me to do? Go out and give a sincere apology.

-that's what you are gonna do but not now…That man that gave aids and told you to give your thrown to someone who deserve it. Do you know his name?

-He addressed to himself by the future King.

-Don't you think he is behind the sabotage and riots and that he is trying to earn everyone's trust to take you down?

-He had a huge lost within his business, but he prioritized others problems than his.

-Ok then, we will play his game." Mal smiled widely and Kier raised an eyebrow waiting for her to explain more:

"-How exactly queen?

-First of all, you will give them back the extra charges they paid for the monthly scot with aids and order professional people to help them fix their houses and shops with improvements. We will send a messenger to inform them that the marriage will reunite two kingdoms that will work together to improve into better, and offer a better life during your reign as a king: less poverty, job opportunities, safe from incubus; however I am not sure from that part but still…you will show them that you deserve your place as a king.

-And you are going to get me penniless before my reign even started." He commented with a bored face and thin lips while Mal sighed with disbelief rubbing her temples than declared:

"-if you want them to trust you and support you, you need to provide safety and comfort for them; and make them your first priority Kieran otherwise don't think about ruling.

-What about the missing girls and the one behind all of this disaster?

-You take care of your reputation and I will take care of the missing girls, and I need to talk with Ayana about sending some gifts-Don't, her father told me not to mention anything to her. Talk to him instead. But what are you gonna do?

-the new queen has to make a good impression… She has to stand with her people during tough moment like these.

-Wow you are that eager to be the queen.

-Nuh, it's something you should have done... And if you want to know your peoples need you have to be one of them.

-I thought you don't go to town.

-I do some business for free sometimes.

-what makes you think Verin will accept your plan.

-he own me a lot, he doesn't have a choice.

-you know, I love how smart and cunning you could be." Kieran commented smiling widely at her, she smirked back proudly raising her eyebrows.

"-I made the right decision marrying you, it will be great ruling together, I can learn a lot from you.

-sorry babe, it's just for now… you have to take charge of things yourself with Ayana.

-Even though, we are supposed to get married…we don't love each other and I only want you and only you Mal.

-We don't love each other too Kieran.

-you don't need love to make a relationship work.

-I agree but I don't belong to castles, I lived free and I want to die free.

-Think about it, we will make the best couples. Everyone will fear us and…

-I don't want people to fear me, I want them to respect me, trust me, and believe in me.

-Bullshit! When they fear you, they will respect you and won't go against you.

-you mean like what is happening right now."Mal snapped back with a teasing smile and innocent look.

"-they found a weak spot to hit and used it against me… but it won't last for long before I got everything under control again." Kier explained rolling his eyes.

"-yeah, by the way I want to ask you about something.

-what is it?

-are you the one who sent Miranda to seduce Ray?

-how could you said that about me Mal? I am disappointed." The white-haired boy held his heart and raised his hand as if he was hurt.

"-You promised no funny business with my friends Kieran. He knew she is a succubus, and he think that she is with the one behind the party attack so he didn't kill her, yet.

-You caught me. I just wanted him to stay away from you but she have to mess it up... I don't care if she dies anyways, not my problem.

-why do you want my friend to stay away…Are you jealous?" Mal covered her laughter and Kieran's eyes widened and yelled:

"-Hell not, why would I?

-you said you want me; how come you are not jealous about another male being around me?

-I am a possessive person babe, there is difference.

-yeah, admit you are jealous and I will tell you something you will like.

-what, are you gonna call me something sweet?


-what can be better than that?

-just admit you are jealous from Ray.

-if it won't worth it I will…

-you will do nothing…and you'd better hurry up.

-fine; I am jealous of Ray and I don't want him to be around you, touch you or even talk to you… Happy."Kieran forced a smile turning his lips into a thin line, Mal giggled at him before she said:

-Too bad because he love Ellie and they will get married.

-Love and Ray, are you serious?

-yeah, and if you are talking about how flirty he is, he do it on purpose because he loves to tease Ellie and watch her act jealous.

-Well… I guess it kind of worth it. But I don't anyone to roam around what's mine.

-listen to me here Nox, I am not yours and if you ever do that or anything similar, it's gonna cost you a lot.

-Not yet however….I promise on my mom's grave I won't do it again."Kieran smirked at her playfully and she crossed her arm and smile happily before she added:

-good…Hey… did Ayana told you about the gathering?" Kieran's smirk dropped and his eyes widened in shock and horror, he looked at the big wooden clock in the corner and he snatched Mal's hand pulling her with him yelling:

"-Ayana is gonna kill me!"….