Chapter 8

"What do you mean? Am I going to die?"

"Aurora, calm down, we won't let that happen right?" Alana looks at me, "Right Elisa? We won't let her die."

"Actually for my plan to work, she has to die."

"What" they say in unison.

"Look, Silas is going to get these kids one way or another and he will kill Aurora in the process. Yemi and I can bring Aurora back, it'd great if she didn't have to die at all but we have to be realistic here, we all know how Silas operates and he will kill her."

"Okay, say Silas does kill her then what is your plan on bringing her back? What about the kids, are we just supposed to hand them over to Silas?"

I can see the worry on my dad's face and the confusion on everyone's face, they won't like what I have to say, "Apparently Amara doesn't like being the anchor to the side and she's been trying to get someone to take over from her for years. I don't know if any of this true but it's worth a shot."