45. Keep Being My Friends

Amurwa Bhumi nodded his head calmly. He tried to wait for the three policemen who were still waiting outside.

"Good afternoon Mr. Flame, I apologize for disturbing the peace of the master who is at work. I received information that a criminal broke into your study today."

The police who were waiting outside the room finally came in and looked at Alexander and Amurwa Bhumi in turn. They looked at the strange man in front of them, then nodded their heads. One of the policemen showed Amurwa Bhumi and Alexander the paperwork, making both of them nod slowly.

"You cannot be declared a criminal when he has not been proven to have committed a crime, Commander. The principle of presumption of innocence still applies and I hope that you will be wise in responding to reports from Hansen's men. I'm sure Amurwa didn't do anything wrong at all so the Commander and his men should re-investigate and not act rashly to harm innocent people."