61. Strange Sign

"Then? Just what?" Padmasari laughed again. This time Amurwa Bhumi really felt that he was being toyed with. He tried to bring his lips to hers to get him to continue his sentence, but Padmasari just smiled.

"It's just that I don't want anyone to know how fragile I am without you, Honey. I just want Allah to know everything. That's why I have put my trust in Him, leaving all the provisions to Him because I believe that only Allah can be the best guardian for you."

"So that's why you never tell anyone about me?" Padmasari nodded. Amurwa Bhumi lowered his head.

"I lost to you, honey."

"It means ?"

"While in London I tried to focus on one goal, communicate and collaborate with Alexander, but I'm still looking for friends to talk to about you."

"So you often gossip with me?" Padmasari face turned red making Amurwa Bhumi smile looking at her.